Wednesday, October 9, 2019

China Now Wants A 6 Carrier Navy


National Interest: China Wants a 6 Carrier Navy with J-20 Stealth Fighters

A powerful fleet.

Key point: China is making rapid progress in achieving a major carrier-based navy.

The Chinese military has decided to develop the air force’s J-20 stealth fighter into a sea-based variant to fly from the navy’s growing fleet of aircraft carriers.

The Central Military Commission, the People’s Liberation Army’s top decision-making body, favors the J-20 over the smaller FC-31 stealth fighter design, according to the Hong Kong South China Morning Post.

The Chengdu Aerospace Corporation, which builds the J-20 for the air force, “will announce some new products, which will include a new version of their J-20,” an unnamed source told the newspaper. “You can guess what type it will be.”

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WNU Editor: They now want six carriers!!!! This is an increase from the four that they had originally planned .... China Will Build 4 Nuclear Aircraft Carriers By 2035 In Drive To Catch U.S. Navy (February 6, 2019). Personally, I think this is their ultimate goal .... 10 Chinese Aircraft Carriers By 2049? (January 7, 2019).


Anonymous said...

A 40yr time line for service entails building a lot of them to field 6 or more at any given time. Much less addressing the question of technology passing the whole concept by.

Roger Smith said...

China boasts of various carrier killing weapons then goes and builds carriers?