Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Is The 60,000 Strong US-Trained Kurdish-Led Force Collapsing After A Week Of Attacks By Turkish Forces And Their Proxy Fighters?

Military Times: The end of an era: 60,000 strong US-trained SDF partner force crumbles in a week under heavy Turkish assault

It was a global rallying cry as Kurdish fighters besieged in the Syrian city of Kobani began to fight back what appeared to be an invincible wave of ISIS fighters pillaging the region in 2014.

With the aid of U.S. airstrikes, Kurdish fighters would eventually take back the city in January 2015, and a steadfast partnership was born between the U.S. military and the Kurdish-led forces who ultimately re-branded themselves as the Syrian Democratic Forces.

Nearly five years later, and 11,000 SDF killed liberating northeast Syria from ISIS’ hellish rule, the nearly 60,000 U.S.-trained force has been abandoned by its American partners and is under sustained assault by Turkish forces and their ragtag crew of proxy fighters — some who have reportedly fought under ISIS and al-Qaida banners.

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WNU Editor: The Kurdish-led SDF is fighting an enemy that has air superiority, mechanized units, artillery, and numbers that approach what the Kurds have. And these battles are occurring on a flat terrain that favours the Turks.I am surprised that the Turks have not advanced as much as they have.

1 comment:

Jeffsmith said...

I think they are fighting smart. Hide your power from airstrikes and nickel and dime them later.