Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Is President Trump To Blame For The Current Crisis In The Middle East? And Is He Repeating President Obama's Mistake?

Syrian army soldiers gesture as they stand in vehicles in the town of Ain Issa, Syria, October 14. SANA/via REUTERS

Rich Lowry, NYPost: Trump is repeating key Obama Middle East mistakes

Barack Obama and Donald Trump are diametrically opposed figures, representing the categorical rejection of the other for their supporters, yet share significant foreign policy DNA.

They both defined themselves in opposition to George W. Bush’s foreign policy. Obama probably wouldn’t have defeated Hillary Clinton for the 2008 Democratic nomination if she hadn’t voted for the Iraq war and if he didn’t speak out against it at the time.

Likewise, Trump outpaced all his 2016 GOP rivals in denouncing our Middle East commitments.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The current situation in the Middle East is not the same as it was under President Obama. The Iraqi government insisted to President Obama that he had to leave, and lacking any real support both domestically and internationally to stay he decided to fulfill his election campaign promise to leave the country. The fact that Iraq screwed up their country after this departure was not President Obama's fault. In Syria today, the dynamics are different. Turkish President Erdogan issued an ultimatum to President Trump that he was going to attack the Kurds. Faced with fighting against a NATO ally or withdrawing from the front, President Trump had took the prudent option even though it disappointed the Kurds while providing fodder to the media to blame President Trump for this disaster. It should also be noted that U.S. forces only started to leave their posts after the Turks launched their invasion, not before as some in the mainstream media are claiming. So is President Trump repeating President Obama's "mistakes"? Both Presidents Obama and Trump took decisions to minimize U.S. casualties and to keep U.S. involvement in these tribal conflicts to a minimum. This was/is not a mistake in my book.

Update: Here is an interesting take on what's happening in Syria .... Thread on Syria(Quodverum). Hat tip to Instapundit.


Mike Feldhake said...

Really!? What's your master plan? Calling people idiots without any evidence makes you look foolish.

Anonymous said...

we shit on our allies, the kurds. no one will any longer trust us

Caecus said...

I don't know where the thread author got the idea that the Syrian army, Hezbollah, Iranians and Russians all got "slaughtered", that they stopped fighting since 2016, and were replaced by Gulf State fighters (lol)

Caecus said...

The Gulf states are one of the main sponsors of the various jihadist groups that compose the so-called "Free Syrian Army".

Anonymous said...

Trump gave Syria to Iran and to Russia. period.