Monday, October 28, 2019

North Korea Says It's Running Out Of Patience With US

FOX News: North Korea growing impatient with US, warns of 'exchange of fire at any moment' amid stalled talks

North Korea is growing impatient with the U.S. over stalled nuclear talks and what it says are contentious policies and one-sided disarmament demands, a senior Hermit Kingdom official said Sunday local time.

Kim Yong Chol said in a statement there has been no progress in U.S.-North Korea relations. He warned that the cordial relationship between dictator Kim Jong Un and President Trump wouldn't be enough to prevent nuclear diplomacy from failing, threatening that "there could be the exchange of fire at any moment."

North Korea set a year-end deadline to find common ground and mutual terms for the possible denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. Chol said Sunday the U.S. would be "seriously mistaken" to ignore the deadline.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Impeachment is on President Trump's mind. Not North Korea.

More News On North Korea Saying It's Running Out Of Patience With The US

North Korea says it's running out of patience with US -- AP
North Korea tells U.S. not to ignore year-end deadline on Trump-Kim friendship: KCNA -- Reuters
Ex-top North Korean nuclear negotiator warns US not to ignore year-end deadline by 'exploiting' Kim-Trump ties -- The Japan Times
Trump-Kim Relationship Can't Fix Everything, North Korea Warns -- VOA


Anonymous said...

“You have reached the office of Uncle Sam. I’m away from my desk. Please leave a message at the beep and I’ll get back with you.”

Anonymous said...

“You have reached the office of Uncle Sam. I’m away from my desk. Please leave a message at the beep and I’ll get back with you. Ha haha ha ha ha ..."idiot

"Impeachment is on President Trump's mind. Not North Korea." - WNU

Well even if the Dims are not successful they get a partial victory . They took away some of Trump's time and effort. But their part (the Dims) in governing governing ... not so much.

The Dims govern nationally about as well as the y do in the one party state of California, where Dims are turning the lights out on civilization.

The new Liberal slogan.... "Go Green - Slaughter Babies not Cows"

Californicators are sad they are following behind great leaders like Maduro. They are trying to catch up. So they are going dark a la World War Z.

I'm turning Venezuelan, I think I'm turning Venezuelan, I really think so

Anonymous said...

New Wiberal slogan.... "Go Green - Slaughter Babies not Cows"

SLAUGHTERED: Democrats Cheer After Successfully Shutting Down Proposed Meat Packing Plant in Struggling Milwaukee Area

Anonymous said...

"Parents of Kayla Mueller, the ISIS victim the Al-Baghdadi operation was named after, say she may still be alive if Obama had been as 'decisive' as Trump - as they reveal they secretly met her captors in Iraq in a bid to recover her remains"

Great Muslims won't even give her dead body back.

But the Washington Compost has a liberal answer for that. Baghdiddly was religiously austere don'cha know.

Of course he was. He was a self sacrificing maryr. Someone had to service all those women.

He hated it, but he was 'in there' like a champ!

Bill Clinton must be religiously austere too?!

Anonymous said...

James Foley's mother is 'grateful to our president and brave troops' after Trump announced ISIS leader Baghdadi died like a 'coward' when he detonated his suicide vest in U.S. Special Forces raid

Anonymous said...

CHUDS, showing low IQ, out in force, early this day, dumping horseshit radomly and thinking they are so clever.

Roger Smith said...

I interpret "Running out of patience" to reflect a recognition that they are being squeezed and in order to progress need inputs to keep evolving. They are experiencing a food shortage. Again. Energy is limited. Even worm medicine for the military? Dependent on China. Isolated but for coal trade and what else do they export? The size of N. Koreans is small compared to the world overall.

Shooting missiles into the ocean has gotten them nowhere and S.Korea is responding with a build up of their military as a result. Despite the China "big building" syndrome, where are they in the world?

Bob Huntley said...

Shooting missiles into the ocean has gotten NK a lot.

International recognition from the President of the USA for its leader is quite a lot and causing SK to waste money on military build-up is too.
Certainly tariffs and embargoes over the years have harmed the people of NK, making it more desperate, never a good idea to trap a rat in a corner, especially a desperate rat with nukes.

The question might well be, what has the US gained by it adversarial treatment of NK over all these decades, and at what cost to the people of the US. Likely more than enough money to maybe bury the hydro transmission lines in California.

Where is China in the world? Just off the West Coast of the US, about 7,000 =/- miles I believe.

Anonymous said...

SK is not wasting money on their military any more than a caravan on the silk road back in the day wasted money on guards. They know this when they pass a looted caravan.

SK is trying to balance defense with other needs. SO they are growing. NK leaders are being a bunch of jerks so their people are literally wormy and starving. Of course the Apparatchiks are not starving but many peasants periodically do.

The problem is not with NK as it is with the capo, China.

But hey its Bob. One does not expect Bob to be truthful except by accident or an occasional head fake.

Anonymous said...

PhD CHUD. You post off topic all the time. You are the pot calling the kettle black. I was busy so I did not wait for the World News briefs for the generic stuff to post. Usually I do.

You, Mr 5 links, however have made randomly posting anti-Trump, anti-Republican diatribes into a high art form like cubism or painting blank canvas, which are blank after the artist is done with them. Yeah, that blank canvas thing is a thing and multiple libs have done it. And multiple libs have bought them. It was on 60 minutes or 20/20\

Anyway it is true

New Wiberal slogan.... "Go Green - Slaughter Babies not Cows"