Sunday, October 6, 2019

President Trump Responds To U.S. Senator Mitt Romney

Daily Mail: 'He's a pompous a**!' Trump fires back at 'choker' Mitt Romney after Republican senator broke ranks to criticize President's 'wrong and appalling' appeal to Ukraine and China to investigate Bidens

* Trump blasted Romney in tweets on Saturday morning from Washington DC
* Defended his remarks calling for China and Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden
* Romney had denounced Trump's remarks in a pair of tweets on Friday
* Trump said Romney 'begged me for my endorsement for his Senate run'
* President also lashed out at House Dems and media in Saturday morning tweets
* Said impeachment probe is 'a fraud against the American people!'
* 'The Media is “Fixed” and Corrupt. It bears no relationship to the truth,' he added
* Impeachment probe reached the White House Friday with subpoena of Pence
* Ukraine's chief prosecutor says he'll reopen cases including one tied to Biden

President Donald Trump has fired back at Senator Mitt Romney, after the Republican senator broke ranks to harshly criticize Trump over his requests that foreign governments investigate political rival Joe Biden.

'Somebody please wake up Mitt Romney and tell him that my conversation with the Ukrainian President was a congenial and very appropriate one, and my statement on China pertained to corruption, not politics,' Trump wrote on Saturday morning, as his motorcade traveled from the White House to Trump National Golf Course in Sterling, Virginia.

'If Mitt worked this hard on Obama, he could have won. Sadly, he choked!' Trump wrote.

Read more ....

Update #1: Trump scolds Romney over criticism about Trump’s China words (AP)
Update #2: Trump calls for Romney's impeachment (The Hill)

WNU editor: So what is Sen. Mitt Romney's next move? Is it this .... Romney ramps up rhetoric on Trump, but what’s his next move? (Londsay Whitehurst, AP). There are also  reports that he told Speaker Nancy Pelosi that there are enough Republican support for the impeachment of President Trump. Is he thinking of another run for the Presidency?

Update #3: Analysis true .... Romney Republicanism could never win (Daniel McCarthy, Spectator)

Update #4: Harsh but fair ....


Anonymous said...

agree 100% with President Trump. Except for his good looks and money, Romney is a loser. He is part of the Washington cable against President Trump, part of the swamp who will be drained. Romney thinks he can buy office in any state--a rootless opportunist, buying a high office in first in Massachusetts and then in Utah. A political whore of the worst type imaginable. Get out of the way, Romney, or your going to get your ass run over by the Trump Train.

Anonymous said...

I voted for GWB, McCain, Romney, and Trump. McCain and Romney were not good votes. With both of them the enthusiasm was there due to their running mates. McCain was slightly ahead until September and then he suspended his campaign. Romney let Candy-Ass Crowley lie and walk allover him and that is serious considering her enormous girth. Both Romney and McCain have disappointed voters after election day and before Trump was ever running for president.

Romney is just digging a hole when it comes to his poll numbers. If Romney cannot stand up to Candy-Ass, how could he ever have stood up to Putin?