Thursday, October 17, 2019

Red Cross Shows A City Getting Nuked With An Animated Video

Business Insider: An animated video from the Red Cross shows a city getting nuked, and it's a terrifying look at what happens when the government can't save you

* A video from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) shows what would happen if a nuclear bomb struck a major city.
* The video predicts that trees would "snap like toothpicks," people would be "tossed around like a grain of dust," and houses would "collapse like they're made of cards."
* The ICRC expects that there would be no help for hours — perhaps days — after an explosion, since electricity would be cut and medical professionals could be wounded or killed.

"One moment you're on your way to work. The next moment, you're on fire."

That's the horrifying scenario outlined in a new animated video from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). The organization teamed up with Kurzgesagt, a Munich-based animation studio, to demonstrate what would happen if a city's downtown were the target of a nuclear attack.

The animation paints a gruesome portrait of the damage, which is divided into three phases: a deadly fireball and flash of light, a powerful shockwave, and the resulting injuries and radiation exposure.

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WNU Editor: Bottom line. The government can't save you.


Anonymous said...

Wait! The government can’t save me? But the preamble to the United Nations’ charter says that that’s exactly their purpose.

Anonymous said...

Christ saves

Bob Huntley said...

Christ saves, Christ kills.

Anonymous said...

Too bad Bob had a modest education instead of something more ... like an average education.

Maybe Bob would have learned and truly understood the concept of free will.

Anonymous said...

maybe chuds can learn civility. doubtful.

Anonymous said...

Obviously not from you.

Anonymous said...

Chuds demanding civility! Lololololo!

Bob Huntley said...


Anon cannot learn civility, it is beyond his ability to comprehend. That is why he is so in love with Trumpo the Clown.

As for education, like most I went to the school of hard knocks. As for the bible, I particularly like the reference to baseball.

Anonymous said...

I am just not going to be civil to a bomb thrower like yourself Bobbie.