Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Russian Mercenaries Have Now Taken Over An Abandoned U.S. Camp In Syria (Video)

Business Insider: Video shows the inside of an abandoned US camp in Syria taken over by Russian mercenaries

* A video shows the inside of a US military camp in Syria shortly after it was abandoned and overtaken by Russian mercenaries.
* US forces left the base in Manbij early Tuesday following President Donald Trump's decision to pull troops from a coalition with the Syrian Democratic Forces.
* The video, taken by Oleg Blokhin, a Russian war correspondent, shows the camp deserted but equipped with shelters, radio masts, and camouflage netting.
* Turkish forces marched into Syria last Wednesday, displacing thousands of Kurdish people and leaving the SDF to ally with Russian mercenaries and the Syrian government.

A video shows the inside of a US military camp overtaken by Russian mercenaries working with Syrian forces, shortly after American troops abandoned it.

US forces left the Manbij camp in northern Syria early Tuesday following an October 6 directive from President Donald Trump to leave a coalition with the Syrian Democratic Forces fighting the terrorist group ISIS. A spokesman for the US operation confirmed the departure on Tuesday.

The US's decision to pull out gave Turkish forces the green light to invade Syria on Wednesday and drive out the SDF, which contains Kurdish fighters. Turkey considers the Kurds terrorists and has long vowed to destroy them. Over the weekend, the SDF allied with Syrian President Bashar Assad's government to fight the Turkish offensive.

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WNU Editor: This Russian mercenary is giving the finger (with a smile) to the U.S..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mercenary=russian soldier without uniform