Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Taiwan Wants To Buy US-Made Artillery To Counter China

An M109 Paladin gun crew fires into the mountains of Oro Grande Range Complex in New Mexico, February 14, 2018. U.S. Army photo by Spc. Gabrielle Weaver

Business Insider/Defense News: Taiwan wants to buy US-made artillery to counter China's ever-growing firepower

* Taiwan is reportedly planning to buy as many as 100 M109A6 Paladin self-propelled howitzers from the US.
* The purchase would extend the reach of Taiwan's artillery as the island country seeks to counter China, which sees it as a renegade province.

MELBOURNE, Australia - Taiwan is seeking to modernize and lengthen the reach of its artillery with the decision to purchase self-propelled howitzers, even as it weighs acquiring or developing its own long-range artillery rockets.

During a hearing of the legislature's Foreign Affairs and National Defense Committee, Taiwanese Defense Minister Yen Teh-fa confirmed to legislators that Taiwan will seek to acquire the BAE Systems M109A6 Paladin self-propelled howitzer from the United States.

Yen did not reveal how many howitzers would be sought, although local media reports in July stated that Taiwan was looking at acquiring 100 howitzers.

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WNU Editor: Taiwan would need fire-power to deter any possible Chinese incursion. Having the artillery to do it is the first proper step.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's not the first step. Why do you say that?

The first step must be to stop any landing party .China cannot rule Taiwan without invading it.

The invaders will come mostly by amphibious boats and planes.

I'd invest in subs and good planes first. If China tries to invade the goal must be to make the invasion take as much time as possible because it'll take the UN months to get sent meaningful thing together and any help to arrive. Most countries will stay out of it.

Coming to think of it.

The number one thing Taiwam must do and hasn't focused on is to make its case in front of the world. Why should any country send their sons (yeah yeah and some daughters) to defend it if we don't know anything about you?

So to really prevent an invasion Taiwan must make more friends abroad and eg use social media to tell us about yourselves. This can take months or years easily until it settles sufficiently and broadly. I'd put a billion towards that right away and put the idea of artillery purchases on hold .artillery is the last line of defence when it's already almost too late.