Saturday, October 12, 2019

This Is What Happened When The North Vietnamese Attacked A Special Forces Base

The Civil Irregular Defense Group compound at Loc Ninh. The airstrip is to the right of the photo. (U.S. Army)

We Are The Mighty: What happened when the VC attacked a Special Forces base

It was a small airbase on the border with Cambodia. It bordered a town of 6,000 that survived on the proceeds of local rubber plantations. The airbase was guarded by a few hundred South Vietnamese regulars supported by 11 U.S. Army Special Forces soldiers. But it would host a 10-day battle that would see hundreds of North Vietnamese forces killed while that tiny force held the ground.

The small town and airbase were important for two reasons. First, the airbase was a logistical hub for military and espionage operations conducted by the U.S.; something communist forces were keen to excise. But the town was also the district capital. With a new president awaiting inauguration in Vietnam, the North Vietnamese wanted to embarrass him before he took office.

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WNU Editor: When the fighting had ended, the U.S. had lost 50 dead and hundreds wounded. If that happened today in Afghanistan or Syria, with those type of casualties, there would be a huge debate in the U.S. where the media would be saying that the U.S. had lost, and it is time to withdraw.


Anonymous said...

11 US special forces stationed at the base and the US lost 50 dead. That damn that is pretty good. Each American soldier died about 5 times. They each have 4 lives left? Are we talking about 'Universal Soldier'?

On a serious note though WNU's point is valid.

On another note life under communism is a black hole. For instance we know that there were hundreds of VC or NVA dead. Was it 200, 300 or more? What were their names? Physicists do not like the concept of a black hole because information is 'lost'. Well a lot was lost on the VC/NVA side and even today can relatives talk about it or do they even know?

Unknown said...

I remember this. Big John Wayne led a relief force & with a dakota gun ship & saved the day in the nick of time. The

Stdaight after that he led commandos behind enemy lines in a mission to kidnap a top commie General. Since the Dook has passed over the USA hasn't won a war. The yanks need to dig him up, pinch some DNA & clone him fast!!!

Caecus said...

They lost the war because of the social upheavals and political pressure at home. Not because they were unable from a military perspective

Anonymous said...

The war was lost at Port Huron, Michigan.

Game, set, match to the Russians.

Bob Huntley said...

Can't remember the names but following the cessation a discussion between a US general and a North Vietnamese counterpart went like this:

American general "Your military never defeated us in a pitched battle."

Vietnamese general "That is irrelevant."

Mike Feldhake said...

Oh boy, arguing if the Vet war was won or not.

Globally - Yes, we stopped Communist expansion
Strategically - No, S Vet lost in the end
Tactically- Yes, we won a large part of the battles

There you go.

Bob Huntley said...


And today you are ruled by an Oligarchy, and maybe not an American one at that. Do you think those who died, basically on a lie, would agree with you?

Anonymous said...

Huntley is one of the few people that could watch a BBC or Nova special and learn nothing. Read SCIAM and learn nothing.

Huntley you made an assertion without the slightest exposition and then went meandering along like effluent going down a storm sewer.

PS: Were your progenitors part of the atrocity of burning Friesoythe?

Anonymous said...

A long time ago yet the bones are still gnawed on.

Caecus said...

An oligarchy is still preferable to a communist party

Anonymous said...

Daily Mail just ran a story about an early bronze age site in SE Europe that had archaeologists say an oligarchy. Shocker.

Well, at least to complete idjits like Huntley.

We see these things among monkeys or any social animals. Some how Statler (or is he Waldork) misses the obvious. He can feel good though casting stones like the village idiot that he is.

Bob Huntley said...


Oligarchy and plutocracy for that matter are pretty much synonyms meaning rule by a few.

All forms of government are ruled by an oligarchy/plutocracy even the supposedly democratic USA, communist Russia, China, England, in its time Nazi Germany, you name it they are all ruled by a few normally wealthy but always a few are in control.

My comment "ruled by an Oligarchy, and maybe not an American one at that" suggested that even America is ruled by a small group, and that group might not even be made up of Americans.

So the choice is not "oligarchy or communism". Your country is no longer, nor has it been for a long time a democracy. Even a dope like Anon can see that, although he will never admit it.

In the Congressional committee investigation into the use of the $800 bailout money for the banks, the head of the Federal Reserve Bank i.e., the organization charged with overseeing the disposition of the bank bailout money, Ben Bernanke was asked why a substantial amount of that money was used to take a position in the currency of New Zealand. His answer was "I don't know." Asked again the same answer.

That incident is telling not only because of the mis-allocation of that money, but because the Congressional Committee then did not pursue the issue further. They knew it was outside influence and so they just backed down.

The question is, who is really running the country and what form of government will they impose on Americans in decades to come to replace the broken democracy? Note the amount of money Trump has allocated upwards to the wealthy.

How are you benefitting from that upwards dole money they got?

Anonymous said...

"Your country is no longer, nor has it been for a long time a democracy. "

Bob Huntley, America is a Republic not a Democracy. You did indeed have a modest education, a below average one.

I figure that you Bob fight as hard in the courts and the the public arena as you have in the Canadian armed forces. This is what is happening in your own Canada and nary a peep from you.

* Transgender woman testifies at human rights tribunal after being refused Brazilian wax

* Canada’s Ball-Waxing Horror Show Is Peak Transgender Activism

* Salon forced to close after refusing to wax transgender woman's male genitalia

"This week, British Columbia’s Human Rights Tribunal (CHRC) — a self-described “quasi-judicial body created by the B.C. Human Rights Code”"

Canadians are not ruled by an oligarchy. Oh no, they are ruled by complete morons.

Is this the type of women Canadian men want to date in the future?

Is this the type of women Canadian men want to date in the future?

Is this the type of women Canadian men want?

Bob Huntley said...


You didn't read my post.

For your further edification I said "all forms of government are ruled by an oligarchy/plutocracy even the supposedly democratic USA, communist Russia, China, England, in its time Nazi Germany, you name it they are all ruled by a few normally wealthy but always a few are in control" I never said the US was a democracy. Hell the whole world knows that.

Something you may not be aware of is that being a republic means rule by law and the US is no longer law abiding, either domestically, or, internationally, it is functionally a Republic in name only and close to being named a rogue nation. Something that is long overdue.

You might try sticking to the topic when responding, assuming of course you are able, and stop the deflection. It is never appropriate and shows you lack of education to all and sundry.

Anonymous said...

"I never said the US was a democracy." - глупец (8:47 PM)

"Your country is no longer, nor has it been for a long time a democracy." - глупец (2:18 PM)

глупец never disappoints.

Bob Huntley said...

Your apology is begrudgingly given, dismal and therefore is unacceptible

Anonymous said...

Dream on. I gave no apology. I showed you were a liar.

Bob Huntley said...


Yes you did and no you didn't.

Anonymous said...

Get help Bob. You are extremely pathological.