Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Tweets For Today


RussInSoCal said...

Cruise and Zelensky - two very short men meet to talk about... stuff.



Anonymous said...

Thirteen and a half tonnes of gold worth up to £520 million is found in a corrupt Chinese official's home and £30 BILLION in suspected bribe money in his bank account

The Communist Chinese party needs to set up a charity or do something with this money that benefits the people in the region the lived in. The charity should spend most of the money with on relief with perhaps 5 billion going to the general fund.

They will probably will execute him and such a person IMO is as dirty as a serial killer.

I think a public hanging would be good, but there might be some downsides for the party. There might be some upside as other corrupt officials pucker up and skim a little less.

America is not immune as shown by the great adventures of druggie & 'john' Hunter Biden.

Anonymous said...


Buttgieg says a whole lot of Derp only in one breath.

“If you mean it, you mean it. There are people who may deserve to die. I just don’t know anybody who deserves to kill them.”

- Derp Meister Meister Derp

"uttigieg has tried to sell himself to voters as a religious leader of conscience, despite his unwillingness to set any limits on abortion right up until the moment of birth."

So Buttigieg is a political ho as well as being a a DERP.

Anonymous said...

The Liberals’ Covert Green Plan for Canada – Poverty and Dictatorship

Anonymous said...

“Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.”

Benjamin Franklin

Liberals enforce speech codes against their percieved enemies.

Ergo, liberals are fascists.

Bob Huntley said...


Anonymous said...

Oh look, the twit-for-the-day showed up at 11:20 AM.

Anonymous said...

“Brother, please leave me for your Allah’s sake” pleaded the minor Dalit Hindu girl to her rapists

The 1st rapist was named ... you guessed it: Mohammed

The 2nd rapist was named ... you guessed it: Mohammed

The 3rd rapist was named ... you guessed it: Mohammed

They did their holy Muslims duty as dictated by the Quran.

Anonymous said...

"They also shot a video of the incident and uploaded it on social media"

They are not afraid. They are proud of their jihad.

Bob Huntley said...

And Allah is most thankful for having trash such as you to spread the nasty word around. And gleefully so I might add.

Anonymous said...

I am telling people what these fascists are. You are keeping silent and so are studiously acquiescent to their actions. You would not want to stand up for anything would you.

Bob Huntley said...

Excuses, excuses. I don't keep silent at all. I tell people what you are all the time, idjit.

Bob Huntley said...

All you are doing Anon is posting hatred for whatever the stupid inane/insane reason.

The crap you post happens everywhere because there are people in all societies that do evil things. Yes even in Canada stuff happens. I don't believe posting your hatred is what this site is about and you should stop.

How about if I posted stuff every day about Americans and you well know there is plenty of dirt happening there to post about.

Grow up and/or get some help.

Anonymous said...

"How about if I posted stuff every day about Americans "


"How about I threaten to post stuff about America like I already do all day anyway."
- Bob Scavenger

Really Bob, your threat is not much of a threat. You could post more. This is true. But the percentage of Anti-American shit coming out of your mouth would be the same.

What is happening in Sweden will happen in your neck of the woods. The Swedes are just further along in the process.

Bob will not come out for one Canadian party (A) or another (B) and try to make a go of it. He will sit on the fence with his supposed morals and balls castigating each and then cast his venom at a third party, the US (C), to make himself look like a paragon of virtue in his own eyes.

There is a story about a besieged city in southern France. It was attacked by barbarians and a famous author of the classical period 'wondered where the Roman Army was. In reality He knew the Roman army was. They were outside the gate.

That story fits you so well Bobby. God, but how a bloodline grows weak and insipid. You are just going to let Justin Blackface roll all over you.

You whole pox on both hoses doesn't wash. People pretend to sit on the fence saying they do not know which way they want to vote until a few days before the election. That is a crock. They are lazy, weak, going along with the system or lying to the pollster. IMO the latter does not fit the bill for you. We're not pollsters here. You are just weak.

Anonymous said...

"there are people in all societies that do evil things" - Blah Blah

"sola dosis facit venenum" - Paracelsus

I don't know why I study things like LD50, so an a-dolt like you can shrug it all off with your throw away, insincerely felt line of "there are people in all societies that do evil things"

Where you society has one crime rate and then you do something like allow immigration of certain subsets of people and the crime rate goes up significantly.

Mouthing "there are people in all societies that do evil things" Does not cut it.

You vote for Justin sweetie.

Bob Huntley said...

Another idjit response from the dufus hate monger.

Anonymous said...

Who will stand up for Sara Anne Widholm?

It won't be Bob Huntley. Meek Bob does not want to be accused of being a Islamophobe or xenophobe.

The Huntley strain bred weak with his generation.

Bob Huntley said...

"Who will stand up for Sara Anne Widholm?"

You? I doubt it.

Yet another inane post from the Muslim, American hater.

Anonymous said...

Sara Anne Widholm was murdered by a Muslim, because he was a Muslim and she was not a Muslim. Pure and simple.

A logical or reasonable person would decrease or end Muslim immigration. You, however, are neither logical nor reasonable.

Of course, in your mind you need not be concerned, because it happened a a hundred miles away or so and won't reach you neck of the woods until 10 or 20 years and you will be safely composting by then.

Bob Huntley said...

Yada, yada, yada.

As if posting your hateful messages on this site is ever going to change anything other than inspiring hate.

Speaking of killing people for no good reason at all, perhaps you might like to review the history of some of the countries the US has attacked.

How would you like it if I took to posting about the atrocities committed by American military on totally innocent people, including if you can imagine it many of their own forces subject to rape by their fellows, you know so you might get an appreciation of relativity.

Do you think my posting of such would cause anybody to make changes in the transgressions of a war mongering nation? I only post that shit to hopefully counter and inspire you to get a soul.

Grow up you idgit.

Anonymous said...

"How would you like it if I took to posting about the atrocities committed by American..."

You are threatening to do what you already do.m Not much of a threat idjit.

Or is groundhog day and every day waking up forgetting that the day be fore that he did exactly that?