Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Tweets For Today


Anonymous said...

There are a few liberals that post here, who are CHUDS of the lowest order

Two Proud Boys Sentenced to Four Years in Prison Each for Fighting Back Against Antifa

Now these liberal, low life CHUDS made the accusation (Implicitly of course because they have no proof, there is no proof, they know there is no proof and they are cowards).

Look at the pictures?

Racist much?


But Democrats are. BIG TIME!

Proud Boys are tired of America being run down by liberal CHUDS like ANTIFA and people being attacked in the streets while liberals mayors tell police to stand down and not rein in ANTIFA attackers.

Anonymous said...

"In contrast, earlier this month, also in New York City, a member of Antifa named David Campbell, 32, was sentenced to just 18 months in jail after nearly killing a Trump supporter outside an event hosted by author and political commentator Mike Cernovich last year."