Wednesday, October 30, 2019

US And Gulf Allies Impose New Sanction On Hezbollah And Iran

The terror financing designation targets businesses providing financial support to the Basij Resistance Force. (AFP/FIle photo)

Reuters: U.S., Gulf countries impose joint Iran-related sanctions on 25 targets

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States and six Gulf countries agreed to jointly impose sanctions on 25 corporations, banks and individuals linked to Iran’s support for militant networks including Hezbollah, the U.S. Treasury Department said on Wednesday.

The blacklisted targets were announced by the Terrorist Financing Targeting Center (TFTC) nations - which also include Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates - as U.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin traveled in the Middle East to finalize details of an economic development plan for the Palestinians, Jordan, Egypt and Lebanon.

All 25 targets were previously under sanctions by the United States.

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More News On The US And Its Gulf Allies Imposing New Sanction On Hezbollah And Iran

US, Gulf allies sanction Hezbollah-Iran network -- AFP
U.S., Gulf Nations Sanction Iranian Financial Network in Joint Action -- The Wall Street Journal
US and Gulf countries target entities 'terror funding' Iran guards and Hezbollah -- Arab News


Anonymous said...

Qatar has been friendly with Iran, this won't improve ties.

Roger Smith said...

What does Qatar have that we need? Sand? Nope. Sorry. Now that what's his name is out and the roadblocks reduced to our oil industry, certainly not energy imports. Camals? Zoo's overflowing with them.

They're done. They picked a loser in old whisk broom face, whatever his name is.