Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Women In Saudi Arabia Can Now Join The Army

Al Jazeera: Saudi Arabia rules women can join the army

The move is the latest in a series of measures increasing women's rights, even as women activists face crackdown.

Saudi Arabia announced on Wednesday it will allow women in the kingdom to serve in the armed forces as it embarks on a broad programme of economic and social reforms.

The move is the latest in a series of measures aimed at increasing the rights of women in the kingdom, even as rights groups accuse Riyadh of cracking down on women activists.

"Another step to empowerment," the foreign ministry wrote on Twitter, adding that women would be able to serve as private first class, corporal or sergeant.

Read more ....

Update #1: Saudi women can now enlist in the army (The New Arab)
Update #2: In first, Saudi women to be enlisted in army (Gulf News)

WNU Editor: This is real change.


Anonymous said...

Maybe they will fight better than the men. The women of Dahomey fought better than the men. In the Mexican army the women were the glue and the engine that kept it together.

Women defended the camp in one of the 1st battles of the Byzantines versus the Muslims.

Maybe they should send the women up against the Houthis.

Roger Smith said...

The "Kid" continues to shake things up. Who would have thought?

Bob Huntley said...

Women can be vicious in a fight. Especially so against other women.

When you're wounded and left on Afghanistan's plains,
And the women come out to cut up what remains,
Jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains
An' go to your Gawd like a soldier.
Go, go, go like a soldier,
Go, go, go like a soldier,
Go, go, go like a soldier,
So-oldier of the Queen! Kipling

Anonymous said...

Kipling was an academic.

The Soviets all but defeated the Afghans. If the Brits, US, and Chinese had not given the Afghans Blowpipe, Stinger and SA-7 manpads, they would have been defeated.

Some of us know the history as opposed to glitz and glitter bombs thrown by puds like you.

Fun Fact: The British army was not defeated in 1842.

Bob Huntley said...

If nothing else is true about you it is your ability to miss a point. The last paragraph of the poem/song by Kipling I posted was about the women of Afghanistan given the comments about the ferocity of women in some of the militaries in the world.

Since you brought it up, the SAMs made all the difference. I imagine that if the Afghan Taliban had had international support in the form of SAMs the US would have run so fast out of there they would have had their tails stuck up their noses. As it is they are now trying to find a way out other than the Vietnam option.

Maybe the Trump option will come soon avoiding which is perhaps the real reason for impeachment.

Anonymous said...

" The last paragraph of the poem/song by Kipling I posted was about the women of Afghanistan given the comments about the ferocity of women in some of the militaries in the world."

No, be honest. You were just taking a dig at another Western country.

Bob Huntley said...


What you know about honesty would fit in the ass end of a microscopic arthropod.

Anonymous said...

Poor blighter resorted to an ad hominem attack.

Bob Huntley said...

It is not an ad homminem if it is true and you demonstrate the truth of that every time you post. Still I am admitting that you have a brain. You should be good about that.

Sorry I can't trade quips with you for a bit. Big date tonight but I will be back early as she is 80, they lock up the home's doors at 11:00 PM and I sure as hell don't want her to stay the night. When she stays over the first thing she does in the morning is start up the old vacuum cleaner.

Anonymous said...

"...she is 80, they lock up the home's doors at 11:00 PM ..."

So now you are stooping to raiding Alzheimer's patients from senior care facilities for dates?

Jb said...

Come to America you woman and join the force of truth