Sunday, November 3, 2019

Chaos And Violence Descend Again On The Streets Of Hong Kong

Global News/Reuters: More than 200 arrested in Hong Kong as city reels from worst violence in weeks

Hong Kong awoke to what is expected to be a day of relative calm on Sunday following a violent night in which protesters set fire to metro stations and vandalized buildings, including an office of China’s official news agency Xinhua.

More than 200 people were arrested in one of the worst outbreaks of violence in recent weeks as around five months of protests show no signs of abating. Demonstrators are angry at perceived Chinese meddling with Hong Kong’s freedoms since the city returned from British to Chinese rule in 1997, a charge which China denies.

Cat-and-mouse clashes between riot police and demonstrators continued into the early hours of Sunday morning after police broke up an assembly of thousands on Saturday afternoon by firing tear gas into a park.

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More News On The Unrest In Hong Kong

Chaos and violence descend again on the streets of Hong Kong as aggressive police tactics fail to stop radical protesters -- SCMP
Hong Kong pro-democracy protesters vandalise Chinese state media office as violence continues -- ABC News Online
Hong Kong chaos sees tear gas, attack on Chinese news agency -- France 24
Blood spilled over political differences as at least four hurt in Hong Kong as knife-wielding man attacks family after argument -- SCMP
Riot police storm Hong Kong malls to nip more protests -- AP
Hong Kong shopping mall clashes end in bloodshed -- Reuters


Bob Huntley said...

"Demonstrators are angry at perceived Chinese meddling with Hong Kong’s freedoms since the city returned from British to Chinese rule in 1997, a charge which China denies."

Of course they are and of course they do. Eventually they will lose out on a relatively moderate transition to become part of China proper. China want the window to the world but will give up that window totally rather than give Hong Kong away.

Anonymous said...

Some people have no idea of how angry Chinese are at having Japanese, Russian, British, American, German and French troops occupy Beijing. Plus many of those countries took territory like Russia, Japan, & Britain.

The Hong Kongers may want a separate Chinese identity, if things are not to their liking, but I think they would want to be part of China, just not a socialist, PRC controlled China.

Hong Kong is not the only port/window to the world. Some people need to learn how to read a map, prospectus and other info.