Sunday, December 1, 2019

Editor's Note

Travelling right now. Blogging will be light for the next two days. Will post when I can.

Update December 1, 10:00 EST: Flying back home right now. Blogging will return this evening.


Anonymous said...

"Yonathan Halimi, Sarah Lucy’s son, describes the killer’s family as being known for its anti-Semitism. "One day, one of the killer's sisters pushed my sister down the stairs, and the next time she called her a dirty Jew," he described. Sarah’s brother said that the killer called Sarah and her daughter, “dirty Jews”."

So were they all on marijuana?

Did they smoke it continuously?

It is not about Islam. Nothing to see here.

Move On

Vote Democrat!

shubhixx said...

Kahoot Create
Iceland DMC
Norway DMC

William Smith said...

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