Sunday, November 24, 2019

Former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg Has Officially Entered The 2020 Presidential Race

Daily Mail: Billionaire Mike Bloomberg launches 2020 presidential bid becoming 19th Democrat in race as he kicks off $31M ad buy promising to make wealthy 'pay more in tax' and 'restore faith' in country

* Michael Bloomberg released an ad campaign Sunday that revealed he has officially entered the 2020 Democratic primary race
* He vowed to make wealthy pay more in taxes to help boost the middle class
* The billionaire served as New York City mayor for three terms
* He previously ruled out a presidential run in 2020
* This brings the Democratic primary field back up to 19 candidates

Michael Bloomberg has officially announced he is running for president, bringing the Democratic primary field back up to 19 candidates.

The former mayor of New York City, who served as both a Republican and independent in different times during his three terms, launched a minute-long ad Sunday morning announcing his bid for president.

The ad, which was obtained by CBS News from Kantar Media/CMAG, says he will seek to 'restore faith in the dream that defines us where the wealthy will pay more in taxes and the middle class get their fair share.'

'He could have just been the middle class kid who made good but Mike Bloomberg became the guy who did good,' the voice over says at the start of the ad.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The Democrat base is very progressive. I just do not see the warming up to Michael Bloomberg,

Update: How can anyone trust Bloomberg news and its coverage when it comes to American politics now .... Bloomberg News will not investigate owner or his Democratic rivals (The Hill). More here .... Bloomberg News Announces It Will Not Investigate Mike Bloomberg, Or Any Of His Democratic Rivals (Zero Hedge).

More News On Michael Bloomberg Officially Entering The 2020 Presidential Race

Michael Bloomberg launches Democratic presidential bid -- AP
Media mogul Bloomberg enters U.S. presidential race, takes aim at Trump -- Reuters
Michael Bloomberg is the latest 2020 Democratic hopeful -- CNN
Michael Bloomberg confirms White House run and kicks off $30m ad buy -- The Guardian
Business mogul Bloomberg eyes one last prize: the White House -- AFP
Bloomberg entry into presidential race raises ethics issues -- AP


Anonymous said...

Can Bloomberg be trusted?

Political party

Democratic (2018–present)
Independent (2007–2018)
Republican (2001–2007)
Democratic (before 2001)

Bob Huntley said...

Moneyed folk will support him very well I expect.

Anonymous said...

Bob maybe you should be part of a touring duo with Mr. Methane.

For a (paid?) troll you are not well informed. Bloomberg's campaign will be self-funded or so he has averred since January.

There is something in the water of NYC. Doomberg has also said he will not contest any states until Super Tuesday. Doomberg's campaign is a crash and burn trainwreck.

Bob Huntley said...

As per usual. Instead of a counter comment you provide a dumb attack that shows me, and others who read this board just how troll-able you are, albeit a very insignificant and tiny catch.

What really pisses me off is that I will not qualify for the new Ontario Government dental plan for seniors.

Anonymous said...

You actually didn't know that Doomberg was not taking donations and showed us your ignorance.

Bob Huntley said...


Error # 1. His last name is spelled "Bloomberg"

Error # 2. I know he is self funding. I wasn't referring to campaign money.

Error # 3. I was referring to a very rich guy "somewhat" like Trump who would enrich the rich people once he becomes President. So again with the one dimensional thinking.

Anonymous said...

Michael is affectionately known as Doomberg. Michael is a proud member of the nanny state.

You should work for the Guardian, since you don't know much. That is your speed.

Bob Huntley said...


Nice try but you still failed.

Anonymous said...

Try to keep up Bob or your boss might pink slip you.

"Mayor Doomberg Officially Throws His Hat in the Ring"

"The anti-gun, anti-Big Gulp, anti-Big Popcorn, anti-sugar, anti-salt, pro-Red China former mayor of New York City Michael Bloomberg has officially thrown his hat in the ring.

He didn’t bring the city back from the ashes as he falsely claims in the ad below. He cashed in on Rudy Giuliani’s successes."

Bob Huntley said...

I agree. He is an asshole but a wealthy asshole and will be loved mostly by the wealthy.

And you still failed.

Anonymous said...

You did not know he was affectionately called 'Doomberg.'

You did not know he was self funding.

You do not know that he will fail.

You are not worth what they are paying you.

Bob Huntley said...

You do not know what you are talking about.