Saturday, November 23, 2019

French Defense Minister Criticizes US Over ‘Unanswered’ Iran Attacks

French Defence Minister Florence Parly leaves the Elysee Palace following a cabinet meeting in Paris, France, October 21, 2019. Benoit Tessier, Reuters

France 24: French minister criticises US over 'unanswered' Iran attacks

France’s defense minister criticized the U.S. on Saturday over what she described as “unanswered” attacks in recent months threatening the Persian Gulf, warning that the decades-long American deterrence in the oil-rich region appeared to be losing its power.

Florence Parly separately said France deplored both U.S. President Donald Trump’s unilateral withdrawal of America from Iran’s 2015 nuclear deal with world powers that led to the re-imposition of crushing sanctions, as well as Tehran recently breaking the deal’s enrichment, stockpile and centrifuge limits.

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More News On The French Defense Minister Criticizing The US Over ‘Unanswered’ Iran Attacks

French minister criticizes US over ‘unanswered’ Iran attacks -- AP
U.S. and France vie to bolster Gulf security after Saudi oil attack -- Reuters
French Defense Minister Criticizes US Over ‘Unanswered’ Iran Attacks -- Radio Farda


Blackie said...

President has no true powers just a puppet from true evil unholy possessed mortal hybrid monsters that look almost human like see

Blackie said...

Hell on earth it is

Anonymous said...

The hypocrisy of the French...
I lay the blame for the attacks at their feet.

INSTEX anyone???

"France has vowed to press ahead with plans to flout Washington’s Iran sanctions and boost the international role of the euro as it moves to lead Europe in defying US efforts to act as the world’s “trade policeman”."

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous @2:27

Oh boo-hoo, the wee french made a dig at your beloved US, did you polish that white armour yourself before striding forth in defense of your country?

Oh please, mature your mind, or have you done that already as I'm sensing a whiff of mature cheese coming from you.

I don't even think your comment about laying the blame at their feet even merits a factual response; considering you'd likely blame your own mother if she lifted an opinionated finger against Trump or the US for that matter.

The french are not the only ones to share the view that the US should have done something in response to the Saudi attacks.

Anonymous said...

As far as factual response goes you've never had familiarity with facts so I wouldn't worry about that.

Anonymous said...

Shouldnt attack people over their opinion. Makes one look weak and stupid.

Bob Huntley said...


Anonymous said...

@11:48 AM

Sadly that's what all the half-baked commentators on here do, attack others while putting forward their own unintelligible responses. Most of the IQ levels is in single digits here.

Anonymous said...

Well if the IQ level is single digits it should be quite easy for you to understand.

Anonymous said...

Point proven. @7:44