Friday, November 15, 2019

Henry Kissinger Says That A ‘Catastrophic’ Conflict Between China And The U.S. May Occur Unless They Settle Their Differences

Henry Kissinger. Reuters/Jim Young

SCMP: Henry Kissinger warns of ‘catastrophic’ conflicts unless China and US settle their differences

* ‘It will be worse than the world wars that ruined European civilisation,’ says former secretary of state and adviser to Richard Nixon
* One side cannot dominate the other – and they have to get used to that, veteran diplomat says

Conflict between the United States and China will be “inevitable” and result in “a catastrophic outcome” that “will be worse than world wars” unless the countries settle their differences, according to former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger.

“We are in a difficult period now. I am confident the leaders on both sides will realise the future of the world depends on the two sides working out solutions and managing the inevitable difficulties,” he said at an event hosted by the National Committee on US China Relations in New York on Thursday.

“There is no doubt many aspects of the evolution of China are challenging to the US,” the 96-year-old said. “It never happened before that two major countries in different parts of the universe were in similar positions.”

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WNU Editor: What's my personal take on Henry Kissinger. I see him as someone who represents China’s interests, and who is always trying to influence American foreign policy when it comes to Beijing. The fact that he is now coming out and voicing fears of a "catastrophic conflict" between the U.S. and China tells me that his "Chinese friends" are voicing to him their concerns on where the current trade war is heading. To put it bluntly. From the Chinese perspective this trade war is damaging, and they are telling Henry Kissinger to transmit the message that they want this resolved or else. It is not Henry Kissinger who is warning of a catastrophic conflict, it is the Chinese who are using Kissinger who are warning of a catastrophic conflict. Here is a good review a few years back on Henry Kissinger and his business ties with China .... At 93, Henry Kissinger is still doing deals and courting controversy in China (Quartz)