Monday, November 18, 2019

Hong Kong Police Raid Polytechnic University After All-Night Siege

Daily Mail: Hong Kong in flames: Students set fire to entrance of university after hundreds flee inside as police storm campus following all-night stand-off

* A police officer in Honk Kong was struck in the leg with an arrow fired by a protester at a university campus
* Police stormed the Hong Kong Polytechnic University after an all-night siege and clashes with protesters
* As riot police moved in from all sides, hundreds of defiant protesters retreated to inside of the university
* Fires broke out and a huge blaze burned along much of a footbridge that connects train station to the campus

Hong Kong police have stormed a university campus held by protesters following an all-night stand-off.

Hundreds of defiant protesters inside Hong Kong's Polytechnic University had faced off against a police water cannon and armoured vehicles in raging battles that lasted an entire day and through the night.

Riot officers finally entered before dawn on Monday and fiery explosions could be seen inside as protesters retreated.

As riot police moved in from all sides, some protesters retreated inside the university while others set fires on bridges leading to it.

A staircase leading to the university was set ablaze as hundreds fled inside the campus as police stormed in.

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More News On The Unrest In Hong Kong

Hong Kong protests: clashes spread across city as tense campus stand-off between radicals and police continues: Live -- SCMP
Hong Kong protest: police fire rounds of tear gas at protesters trying to leave campus – live -- The Guardian
Besieged Hong Kong protesters prepare for bloody crackdown as U.S. urges restraint -- Reuters
Protesters try to leave Hong Kong campus but avoid arrest -- AP
Hong Kong protests: up to 800 trapped as police lay siege to university -- The Guardian
Hong Kong protesters try to break out of besieged university after a night of fighting with police -- ABC News Online
Hong Kong police raid university after all-night siege -- DW
Hong Kong protests: Police surround campus after night of violence -- BBC
Hong Kong police storm protesters' university stronghold -- Al Jazeera
Hong Kong protesters using catapults, archery bows and Molotov cocktails in battle for 'democracy and freedom' -- ABC News Online
Hong Kong police warn of 'live fire' as stand-off at university continues -- France 24
U.S. condemns 'unjustified use of force' in Hong Kong: senior official -- Reuters

1 comment:

Bob Huntley said...

That conflict seems to be moving towards an ultimate conclusion.