Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Hong Kong Police Surround Last Holdouts At Polytechnic University

The Guardian: Hong Kong university standoff nears end as 50 protesters remain

Most of those left are searching for ways to escape and a handful are determined to stay

Fewer than 50 protesters remain holed up at a university in Hong Kong surrounded by police late on Tuesday as a days-long standoff appeared to be coming to an end.

Police said that by 11pm local time almost 800 people had left the Polytechnic University, the site of one of the most prolonged and tense confrontations since the demonstrations in the city began five months ago.

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More News On The Unrest In Hong Kong

Police surround last holdouts at Hong Kong campus protest -- AP
Hong Kong university standoff: A hundred students still trapped -- DW
'They have no way to leave': Trapped inside Hong Kong's besieged Polytechnic University -- ABC News Online
Hong Kong protesters hunker down as police cordon off campus -- Al Jazeera
Hong Kong protesters fear lives in danger as police patience runs thin -- ABC News Online
Hong Kong pro-democracy protester: "This university is not the last battle" -- CBS
Hong Kong University Standoff Continues as a New Police Chief Is Appointed to Handle Unrest -- Time


James said...

Most likely they won't live.

Anonymous said...

James, you are not making my day, but you are likely speaking the truth. I know they would not get the kid glove treatment but I was hoping 2 to 10 years in a re-education camp.

James said...

Beijing will make an example. I think some will be executed with the others sent to camps as an instance of clemency. Doubt that many if any will come back from the camps.

Anonymous said...

their kidneys will be sold here