Sunday, November 3, 2019

If There Were A UK General Election Tomorrow

Statista: UK voting intention

At the fourth attempt, prime minister Johnson's wish for a general election was finally granted by Parliament this week. So what do the most recent voting intention polls say? When looking at the four selected for this chart, the Conservatives are well ahead, with an average lead of 14 points over Labour. Calling the election before Brexit has been resolved though, brings the unpredictability of a Nigel Farage-led Brexit Party into the mix. Currently, they are polling at an average of 11 percent, but that figure could increase significantly over the next few weeks.

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WNU Editor: According to these polls. The Conservatives and the Brexit Party have almost 50% of the vote. But as everyone knows, a lot can happen between now and election day.

1 comment:

Daniel said...

Percentage of the vote isn't as important as it may seem, though. It depends on how it is distributed.