Monday, November 18, 2019

Iran Protests Over Fuel Price Rises Have Spread To Every Major City

BBC: Iran protests: At least 12 killed at unrest over petrol price rise

At least 12 people have been killed in Iran since protests against fuel price rises erupted three days ago, officials have said, although reports suggest the number of dead is far higher.

The situation on the streets is unclear on account of a nationwide internet shutdown. But demonstrations are reportedly continuing in some cities.

The government said Monday had been "calmer", despite "some minor issues".

Meanwhile, the powerful Revolutionary Guards demanded an end to the unrest.

A statement said Iran's "sworn and evil enemies" had once again attempted to "sow discord", and that the force would "firmly deal with the continuation of any kind of insecurity or actions to disrupt the people's calm and comfort".

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The government has been spooked .... Iran begins payments to 60 million as petrol price protests continue (The Guardian). They

More News On The Unrest In Iran

'It looks like a war zone': Our Observers report from inside Iran’s protests -- France 24
Iran 'calmer' despite more riots over oil price hikes -- AFP
Iran downplays, demonizes protests amid internet shutdown -- AP
Iran's top leader issues warning to 'thugs' as fuel protests spread across country -- ABC News Online
Hassan Rouhani warns protest-hit Iran cannot allow 'insecurity' -- Al Jazeera
Iran's Guards warn of 'decisive' action if unrest continues -- Reuters
Iran's Revolutionary Guards warn of 'decisive' action if protests continue -- France 24
Iranian commander chides US for 'failed plot' citing protests -- Al Jazeera
Iran condemns US show of support for 'rioters' -- AFP


RussInSoCal said...

Seems like things are really unzipping. Banks burned, gov't security shooting protesters in several cities - now payments.(?)

Anonymous said...

Seems like a global trend to tax the shit out of fuel.

Anonymous said...

Fellow CHUDS, regime change has occurred.

Meathead Pompeo and neocons everywhere were right all along! Rejoice!

The Mullahs have been destroyed!

For true and real this time!

Anonymous said...

You could compare a country, nation, any political unit or a corporation to a living organism.

They do so in sociology.

'In sociology, the social organism is an ideological concept in which a society or social structure is viewed as a "living organism".' - Wiki

A person might also consider that things like living organism have metabolic limits and limits to growth.

For example the human brains takes about 20% of all energy produced by the body.

"How much energy does the brain require? For the average adult in a resting state, the brain consumes about 20 percent of the body's energy. " -

If there is a mutation and a newborn's brain was taking up 30% or 40% of the baby's energy, the baby might not live long, miscarry or kill the mother and itself in birth.

Why don't politicians and others think about his analogy? There are limits to how much government can take. Just because you can take 90% in taxes for a time does not mean you can take 90% ad infinitum no more than a sprinter can run at 20 to 35 mph for long.

Military historians talk about grand strategy. For example they talk about the grand strategy of the Roman Empire. For awhile many believe it did not have one. But some have concluded that the Empire did have one. That Augustus downsized the # of legions after the civil war and right sized the legions to meet the Empire's defense needs without breaking the bank.

Why can't Congress or any other set or world leaders balance the books.