Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Is The U.S. Economy The Most Prosperous Economy The World Has Ever Seen?

Lidblog: Chase Bank CEO – “This Is The Most Prosperous Economy The World Has Ever Seen”

Chase Bank CEO Jamie Dimon had news that Leslie Stahl, the CBS host of 60 Minutes, did not want to hear: “This is the most prosperous economy the world has ever seen.” Though she worked hard at trying to knock him off his statement, it did not work.

Here is a partial transcript of the interview with Chase Bank CEO Jamie Dimon according to CBS:

Read more ....

Update: Steve Moore: Trump economy is really experiencing a middle-class boom -- this data doesn't lie (FOX News)

WNU Editor: And I am one of those who firmly believes that the U.S. economy can do even better. Chase Bank CEO Jamie Dimon's full CBS interview is here .... Jamie Dimon, head of America's biggest bank, on politics, his company's role in the 2008 financial crisis, and his paycheck (CBS 60 Minutes).


Anonymous said...

Out of control homeless situation.

Health care system that nobody likes and nobody can afford.

Massive debt.

Sure, greatest economy in the world.


RussInSoCal said...

You must be a college degree service worker in Los Angeles.

Jac said...

Travel a little bit...and you will have a different state of mind.

Bob the impaler said...

Yep, travel to another country and see how things work, then live there and see how things get a little more sticky. The United States is a great nation, and that is why so many people are trying to migrate. That is why we should control our borders.

Anonymous said...

My spouse came to this country and said "it was easy to ;live"

ALL their countrymen said the same thing. Of course those countrymen and women do not major in queer theory, womyn's studies and other nonsense.

Meanwhile Anon 11:08 PM carries the party line.

Anonymous said...

anon: speak for yourself. Not for so many others whose lives you really do not know.Your ready dismissal of this or that program is pure nonsense. What gets started as a major in a college is often not what one ends up doing later in life.All you do in your comment is show your hate and your ignorance..go forth and sin no more

Roger Smith said...

Anon 7:13AM,

Emotionally overwrought post. Please come back. Earth calling anon. Beep beep. Earth calling anon.

Anonymous said...

e survey found that bankers are increasingly worried about farmers facing cash-flow problems: 46% of bankers expect an increase in loans secured by farmland for the 2019/20 growing year, up from 37% for the previous period.

The poll by the Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corp (Farmer Mac) and trade group the American Bankers Association (ABA) was released this week at the ABA’s annual agricultural banking conference.

The concern comes as the U.S. farm economy deteriorates. Farmland is the key pillar of equity in the U.S. agricultural heartland, which has been suffering from lingering weakness in commodity prices and loss of key export markets due to President Donald Trump’s trade disputes.

RussInSoCal said...

Oh my. Must have hit a nerve. On the contrary I’m a wonderful, friendly and very witty man. Highly educated and very intelligent. And I find my posts to be brilliant!


Anonymous said...