Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Mexico's Expresses Alarm After President Trump Said He Was Going To Designate Mexico's Drug Cartels As Terrorists Organizations

SCMP/Washington Post: Outcry from Mexico at Trump plan to designate its drug cartels as terrorists

  * US President Donald Trump claims Mexican drug cartels are to blame for 100,000 American deaths a year
  * The US Foreign Terror Organisation list includes Islamic State, al-Qaeda, and Boko Haram in Nigeria

Mexico’s government expressed alarm after US President Donald Trump said he was planning to designate Mexican drug cartels as terrorist organisations, a move that officials here fear could complicate security cooperation and trade between the neighbours.

“Mexico will never accept any action that violates our national sovereignty,” Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard tweeted.

“We will act firmly. I have sent our position to the US as well as our resolution on combating transnational organised crime.”

The Foreign Ministry said Ebrard would contact Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to set up an urgent meeting to discuss “this theme of high relevance for the bilateral agenda”.

Read more ....

Update #1: Mexico Pushes Back Against Trump Plan To Label Cartels Terror Groups (Zero Hedge)
Update #2: Mexico Responds To Trump Decision To Designate Cartels As Terrorist Organizations (Daily Wire)

WNU Editor: President Trump commitment to designate these groups as terrorists can be heard in the above video. Mexico's alarm on this development is not a surprise. But the Mexican government must know that the current strategy of stopping these criminal organizations is not working. In fact it is reaching levels of violence that is unprecedented.


Andrew Jackson said...

Of course you know this means war.

Mike Feldhake said...

Great Move, these 'cartels' operate fairly operates the same as 'terrorist organizations. Gives options for banking and security measures against them.

Anonymous said...

The Mexican government has shown that it can beat up autodefensas.

Drug cartel made the lives of people Hell. The government did not help. So the people relied on themselves and ran the cartel out. Then the government comes back in and says submit.

The Mexican government did not build that. They did not build the peace. They just want to reap the taxes.é_Manuel_Mireles_Valverde

RussInSoCal said...

the cartels will be “reaping the whirlwind” pretty soon.

Bob Huntley said...

"the cartels will be “reaping the whirlwind” pretty soon." as will many innocent Mexicans. Just so long as they don't bomb Los Algodones.

Anonymous said...

I know people that get on the interstate and travel the distance of 2 states for their dental procedures. It is still in the US. The local dentists charge more, because of a Fortune 100 company and the benefits they use to pay.

If you live Socal it might be faster to travel to Baja than to southern Oregon or Utah.

Just more proof of the blue state blues. Some trolls are just so funny.

I say we adopt Mexican ways in the US. We harass migrants and give them a 30 days pass so they can reach the northern border and illegally cross into Canada. Can Canada absorb 20 million Mexicans or Central Americans in a 10 year period?

Bob Huntley said...

For sure we have the space. Can the US absorb say 300 million Chinese?

Anonymous said...

For sure we have the space. Can the US absorb say 300 million Chinese?

All land is not created equal. It is not possible to build on some land cost effectively. Yerba Bueno cove comes to mind. There are other places that is suitable but you would have to build up. How much traffic congestion, new gas pipelines, and new power transmission lines and increased taxes do you want?

You get 30 million people from south of the border and housing prices will go up. Property taxes and rent are based on housing and land prices. I've worked property tax before.

The people who are arguing for lower immigration are not saying they can absorb 10, 20 or 100 million people in a year or 10 years. They argue the opposite.

How do you know that Canada can support the people it has now? You don't. Know there difference between wheat and barley and why they are grown? Do you know were the tree line or corn line is?

Let's look at this statement again "For sure we have the space."

I can figure out how to get billions of people fresh, clean water (potable water). that is if energy costs are low enough. It is pretty straight forward. But your typical liberal is intent on making energy costs three times or more than what it costs now. you have the space, but will the environmentalists in your midst and in your political wing allow you?

Bob Huntley said...

Come on. You can extrapolate better than that.

Anonymous said...

I could extrapolate in more detail Bob, but that would be THROWING PEARLS BEFORE A SWINE (you).

Bob Huntley said...

BS. If you could you would. Deflection is your middle name Senior Trollee.

Anonymous said...

You're a sad little man, Bob.

Bob Huntley said...

Possibly, but, seeing you resort to name calling, snide remarks and inane comments that only show that you are unable to formulate an intelligent counter argument to what I have posted, because you know that what I posted is true, I do realize that can't hold a candle to you, little fellow.

In fact in my admiration for your abundant ability to obfuscate, to avoid dealing with truth, I can only look up at your shoe laces.

Anonymous said...


Your 1st comment, the whole comment was snide.

" will many innocent Mexicans. Just so long as they don't bomb Los Algodones."

Bob Huntley said...

Still trying.