Saturday, November 2, 2019

New Book Claims North Korean Kim Jong-Un Sees President Trump As A Unique Figure On The Stage Of World History


FOX News: Kim Jong Un is 'fascinated' by Trump, views him as father figure, new book claims

A new book claims to shed light on President Trump's relationship with North Korea and what former President Obama said that Trump could expect when he entered office.

Author Doug Wead interviewed Trump on the issue and was able to read some of the personal letters exchanged between the president and his North Korean counterpart, Kim Jong Un.

"Kim is fascinated by Donald Trump. He sees him as a unique figure on the stage of world history. And he wants to make history with him," Wead claims in his book "Inside Trump's White House: The Real Story of His Presidency."

The book, set for release on Nov. 26, comes at a time when the U.S. has improved diplomatic relations with North Korea, but continues working for concessions on the rogue nation's nuclear development.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: President Trump is certainly unique, and I doubt that we will ever see anyone like him on the world stage when he is gone. As to the above FOX news post, what specifically caught my eye in the above report are the last two paragraphs ....

.... "Barack Obama told me that my greatest problem, when I became president, was the possibility of war with North Korea. In fact, privately, he said, ‘You will have a war with North Korea on your watch.’” Trump said, according to Wead.

Trump responded to Obama's concerns by asking if the former president had tried talking with Kim. “And Obama said, ‘No, he’s a dictator,'” Trump reportedly said. Trump said that decision was "stupid."

I am from the school of thought that believes in dialogue and face to face meetings .... especially with your adversaries. This type of engagement is needed to not only keep all doors open, but to also build-up trust and be positioned to take advantage of any opportunity that may arise. Former President Obama understood this concept when he made the decision to engage with Iran. Why he choose to ignore North Korea was IMHO a mistake.


Anonymous said...

Your school of thought was lacking few years back when I remember you commenting that trying to start dialogue with North Korea would be a wasted affair.

Seems your school is dictated by politics and Trump.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Maybe Anon 12:04 or 7:57 AM are correct. But it maybe easy to link proof positive. Yet they do not.

Anonymous said...

South Korean Ex-Diplomat: North Korea ‘Surprised’ By Trump’s Sudden Decision To Talk

FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 2018

WNU Editor: I have a different point of view. I think the North Koreans knew before they made their invitation on what the answer was going to be .... and that understanding was reached when North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's sister Kim Yo-jong was in Seoul during the Olympics at the same time that Vice President Pence and his entourage were there. And what clinched the deal was when the South Koreans went to meet North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, and he communicated that invitation to them officially.

Donald Trump Open To Talks With North Korea


WNU Editor: If implemented, it would be a major departure from current U.S. foreign policy on dealing with North Korea.

U.S. Officials Are In North Korea Discussing And Negotiating The Issues And Framework For The Trump-Kim Summit In Singapore

MONDAY, MAY 28, 2018

WNU Editor: This arrangement is definitely more preferable for both the U.S. and North Korea. Going through either China or South Korea to pass their messages was not working .... and in the case of South Korea .... my sense is that both North Korea and the U.S. felt that they were being manipulated by South Korean President Moon. Not surprising .... the South Koreans are now feeling left out, and they want a seat at the table in Singapore .... South Korean officials have said President Moon Jae-in could attend a possible summit between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un. (BBC). My prediction .... the U.S. and North Korea are going to say no .... doubly so if the current talks and discussions between U.S. and North Korean officials go well.

And someone (not me) was having fun with one of the trolls.

товарищ посманский

Вам нужно быть предвечным и сделать наше дело ясным для этих свиней yankee, или вы не получите вознаграждение за этот квартал.

If Posmansky is a troll, I bet there are at least 3 other sock puppets, who pretend to be retired, Canadian, or well educated.

Anonymous said...

Planned Back-Channel Talks Between US And North Korea Have Been Cancelled


WNU Editor: These back-channels are always important in keeping the peace. This cancellation is a bad sign on where U.S. - North Korea relations are at the moment.

Anonymous said...

The 1st two Anons were full of bovine excrement.

They have provided no links to an open database.

Google by design or by sloth makes it hard to target old news for review. It is a 1984-ish feature they borrowed from the Ministry of Truth.

If we had Lexis Nexis, We would have an answer in not time flat, but with Google News gets buried after a year or two. You cannot date select.

All this while they make money off of you for a shitty product.

Anyway the 1st two Anons were acting like monkeys a flinging excrement to see if it would stick.

Anonymous said...

I think we all agree that Jared is a highly experienced, intelligent statesmen with a deep interest in the law and world affairs. He has earned his lofty position by strict merit and hard work.

I feel very comfortable with him crafting foreign policy.

Bob Huntley said...


Roger Smith said...

As for obama's mindset I say "Nothing ventured, nothing gained." Trump gave it a shot and while slow, at least there is dialogue towards something to lessen hostility. So much for highly overrated The Great Nothing.
As for The Kid's appearance in photos with Trump I've long held the opinion that he genuinely appreciates DJT.

Anonymous said...


I slung no shit. I provided links after a rather lengthy internet search for comments made by WNU about the North Korean talks. The comments provided in no way supported the 1st two Anon's contentions.

Maybe WNU is a Russian spy collecting open source intel (like days of old) and being an influencer. Maybe, do not know. I do know that many advocate (or shill) for the political persuasion and some might be paid trolls.


As to Jared being highly experienced. That whole line of reasoning bears much investigation. Ms. Victoria Nuland of Ukraine fame had much experience. Did she do good? Ask Jay Farquharson about that. There are many campaign bundlers, who are nominated for ambassadorships by Republicans and Democrats, passing over foreign service officers. If that is allowable, why not Jared?

Jared can be quite effective in the Middle East were clans and tribes are more important. When Jared tells them something, they believe it, because he is related to Trump. This is a plus.

Jared is a plus where you have holdover ambassadors like "Marie Yovanovitch"or deep state FSO's, who think they know better and go about making their own foreign policy (although they are unelected). Do you think Marie Yovanovitch would faithfully execute Trump's foreign policy or sabotage it?

While there may be somethings about Trump I might dislike (like be over the top), I will be voting Trump in 2020.

PS: Being over the top is useful and even necessary in some situations. But you cannot have one tool in your toolbox. I am not saying that Trump has. I am saying that being over the top can be beneficial.


Anonymous said...

jared could not even get top security clearance without "connection"

Anonymous said...

How do many Democrats in Congress get clearances like Bill Clinton who was part of an anti-war protest during the Vietnam era overseas?

Being married and having a paycheck and not committing crimes is not a detriment to getting a clearance.

Cavorting with Louis Farahkhan, the black equivalent of the KKK is.

Bob Huntley said...

Yes Roger and I think that is what explains his downcast face that day when the meeting utterly failed because Trump brought nothing to the table. Actually they both had downcast faces. The problem when you build expectations on the basis of a couple of hours in a meeting is disappointment