Sunday, November 24, 2019

Pentagon Chief Fires U.S. Navy Secretary Over Handling Of SEAL War Crimes Case

Daily Mail: Navy Secretary Richard Spencer accuses Donald Trump of jeopardizing 'order and discipline' after he is FIRED for defying the president by trying to kick SEAL Eddie Gallagher out of the elite unit

* Navy Secretary Richard V. Spencer has been fired after alleged private proposal
* Spencer was asked to step down after promising White House officials that Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher would retire with SEAL trident if they did not interfere
* His resignation comes after he threatened to resign if Trump was to halt the SEAL's removal from the elite unit

Navy Secretary Richard V. Spencer has been fired after he defied President Donald Trump by refusing to halt a disciplinary process against SEAL Eddie Gallagher.

In a stinging rebuke to the president, Spencer said in statement tonight that he 'cannot in good conscience' obey an order he believes 'violates the sacred oath' he took.

He said that he disagrees with Trump on the 'key principle of good order and discipline'.

However, Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper tonight said that he had asked Spencer to step down because he had gone behind his back.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: As this blog predicted a few days ago. What sealed his fate to me was when I read this report early Sunday morning .... Secretary of Navy says Trump’s tweet is not a formal order (AP). If you do not know what the President's intentions are, especially in the military, you are not the right man for the job. The official reason for his firing is that he circumvented the chain of command .... Navy secretary 'fired' for proposing 'secret agreement' with White House in SEAL case, senior defense official says (CNN). I also expect some admirals who continued to push for this inquiry will be reassigned and/or told to resign in the coming days. There are some conflicting reports that the White House will not stop a Navy review of SEAL Eddie Gallagher .... Official says White House gave Navy go-ahead on Gallagher (AP).

More News On The Firing Of US Navy Secretary Richard V. Spencer

Pentagon chief fires Navy secretary over SEAL controversy -- AP
U.S. defense secretary fires Navy chief over handling of SEAL saga -- Reuters
Defense secretary fires Navy chief over SEAL war crimes case -- The Hill
Pentagon chief asks for Navy secretary’s resignation amid controversy over the case of a Navy SEAL accused of war crimes - The Washington Post -- Washington Post
Pentagon fires Navy Secretary Richard Spencer after controversy over Navy SEAL case -- CNBC
Richard Spencer: Secretary of the Navy ordered to resign after proposing back-room deal with Trump over disgraced SEAL Edward Gallagher -- The Independent


Anonymous said...

The only reason the White House would give the go ahead for the Navy to conduct a review is that it'll give the White House a third party to affirm their position. Considering that the Secretary of the Navy was fired for essentially disagreeing with the White House, I'm sure anybody conducting the review will be well aware of what the right conclusion is or isn't in any such review.

Anonymous said...

CHUDS. I own a dealership. I am a rich white man. CHUDS.

Anonymous said...

Aw you can do better than that.

Anonymous said...

Gallagher isn’t disgraced as The Independent headline asserts. He was acquitted of war crimes, no longer accused.
Gallagher is a hero, performed honorably and was attacked by Fat Leonard types still in the Navy.

Anonymous said...

Purge the Obama Admirals and Generals from the US military before it is too late. Purge the Obama bureaucrats from the US Government. Drain the swamp.

Bob Huntley said...

The swamp means everybody below the level of wealthy. Be careful or you might get what you wish for Mr. Frog.