Wednesday, November 27, 2019

President Obama Hoped He Would Be A Presidential Resource For President Trump

President Barack Obama shakes hands with President-elect Donald Trump to discuss transition plans in the White House Oval Office in Washington. REUTERS

Washington Examiner: ‘He knows absolutely nothing’: Obama hoped he would be a presidential resource for Trump

Barack Obama thought he would be a resource for President Trump when he took over the Oval Office.

The former president hoped that he would be able to guide Trump after his first meeting with him following the 2016 election. According to a report on the encounter from Politico, Obama thought Trump knew very little about how to run the country.

He told a White House visitor after his first meeting with Trump, “He knows absolutely nothing.”

Obama’s former Attorney General Eric Holder explained that the ex-commander in chief wanted to ride off into an apolitical retirement, similar to his predecessor, but that didn’t happen. Instead, Obama has commented on his feelings about both Trump and Joe Biden as the two draw closer to a potential presidential showdown in 2020.

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WNU Editor: The Politico report that says President Obama was hoping to be a resource to President Trump is here .... Waiting for Obama (Politico). What's my take? I am laughing on the floor right now.


Anonymous said...

A "resource"? That IS a howler!

Anonymous said...

Obama knows absolutely nothing about the country to this day. If he did, there wouldn’t have been a President Trump.

Anonymous said...

How to spy on your opponents...

Carl said...

You're right. That's funny!

Anonymous said...

He knew he was not going to be a resource because he had all their calls intercepted with dubious FISA warrants.

Anonymous said...

How much could Obama know about America after having gone to Besuki School in Indonesia as a registered Muslim and to a private school in Hawaii? Who paid for his college education? Some say Saudi charities.

Obama does not have a typical school profile.