Sunday, November 17, 2019

President Xi Says 'Show No Mercy' To Cracking Down On China's Muslim Minority

New York Times: 5 Takeaways From the Leaked Files on China’s Mass Detention of Muslims

HONG KONG — Internal Chinese government documents obtained by The New York Times have revealed new details on the origins and execution of China’s mass detention of as many as one million Uighurs, Kazakhs and other predominantly Muslim minorities in the Xinjiang region.

The 403 pages reveal how the demands of top officials, including President Xi Jinping, led to the creation of the indoctrination camps, which have long been shrouded in secrecy. The documents also show that the government acknowledged internally that the campaign had torn families apart — even as it explained it as a modest job-training effort — and that the program faced unexpected resistance from officials who feared a backlash and economic damage.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: It is very rare to have internal Chinese documents like this one leaked to the Western media. This is also incredibly embarrassing to President Xi. Here is an easy prediction. The Chinese are going to move heaven and earth to find the person responsible for this leak.

More News On Leaked Documents Detailing China's Policy Of Mass Detentions

China's work to create Muslim minority mass detention camps reportedly revealed in leaked documents -- ABC News Online
Leaked Documents Show Xi Jinping’s Secret Speeches About China’s Uighur Crackdown -- Forbes
Leaked China documents reveal 'no mercy' in Xinjiang: NYT -- AFP
Leaked Chinese government documents show details of Xinjiang clampdown - New York Times -- Reuters
Leaked letter shows how China explains detaining Muslims to family members --
Leaked Chinese documents show details of Xinjiang crackdown: NYT -- Al Jazeera
The New York Times Just Published Leaked Documents Detailing China’s Brutal Crackdown on Muslims -- Mother Jones


Anonymous said...

If the Uighurs were atheist, agnostic, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, pagan, animist, Tengri or Christian, I would care.

Not a real fan of the 4 or 5 Uighurs that try to blow themselves up at Tiamen Square a few years back with propane tanks in a car.

Many people fear Muslims, so they won't care. Others like liberals won't care enough to pick up a gun although they will don a ribbon and say something at the Golden Glovbs. Whoops, scratch that. Hollywood hardly ever criticizes China anymore.

Roger Smith said...

Agreed anon, in Hollywood it's the Gretta cult now. For awhile.

Anonymous said...

I'm scared of most religions.. Christianity promoted war, shielded pedophlies, treated women badly and killed scientists (tortured them actually) for findings like "the Earth is not the centre of the universe". Remember?
Islam too..torture and murder

BUT what sets "us" apart from "them" (referring to those monsters who killed and tortured in the name of a deity) is that we actually can and do show compassion. It is the only thing that will bring lasting peace. What do you think will happen to those 1-3 million Muslims who are treated like this?

A good percentage who wasn't radicalised at all will now become radicalised..just think of what you'd feel if your brother, sister or friend or father or mother or daughter or son are taken away, imprisoned, forcefully reeducated, told their dearest beliefs are wrong and the reason why they are now in this situation, all while losing pay and likely not finding a job in the future?

Of course they will be radicalised, traumatised. We know this.

And what will you say when the Chinese come for you next? Remember, no organised religion (or other organisation for that matter) is allowed to oppose the Chinese party, a secretive society ruling already 1.5bn people at home and another 1bn in neighbouring and dependent countries. Now who here knows a bit of German history? That's exactly what the Nazis did and many played along-even the United States-as long as they thought the Germans would only focus on the Jews. That was the understanding. They knew how Jews were treated and looked away.

How can you look away from this? Do not ignore it. Germans were only 60 million strong and nearly won the second world war. Do not think we can just say no to Chinese in a few years down the road. A war with China will be harder and costlier to the world than it was against Nazi Germany. If we do not oppose them now and stand up for kindness and human dignity, then no one will dare in the future

Anonymous said...

Galileo was an asshole. He ridiculed people, abandoned his wife and children and more. For the end of the Middle ages and beginning of the Renaissance, house arrest is pretty damn good. Galileo's book got him in trouble not for the book but for its preface. Many of the clergy were astronomers.

"Christianity promoted war."
That is a superficial reading. Next you will talk about Charlemagne and the Saxons. Maybe a better question to ask is who wouldn't have massacred the Saxons? The Saxons were in the Franks' border and raided. So there was retaliation. It was only after the 3rd war and after Charlemagne's civilian kinsmen had been slain that there were the conversions you are griping about. Charlemagne was patient and lenient.Ürümqi_riots

I'll take the Chinese assholes over the Uighur assholes any day of the week.

I wouldn;t worry about the Chinese assholes. There are a lot of American assholes that a milking you in Washington, banning you in FB (& Google), or beating you on the streets (ANTIFA).

Anonymous said...

So, Germany gets their gas from Russia and trains Chinese soldiers. And how much are they kicking into NATO?

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