Friday, November 1, 2019

South Korea Leads The Way In Developing New Submarine Killing Autonomous Underwater Drones

The South Korean Navy's Anti-Submarine Warfare Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (ASWUUV) appears larger than U.S. Navy and Chinese Navy large displacement UUVs.H I Sutton

Forbes: New Submarine Killing Autonomous Underwater Drone

The pace of change in underwater warfare has become palpable. There are signs that the long-promised dawn of underwater robots is upon us.

Barely a month after China revealed its first large underwater robot, another country has stepped into the arena with an even more ambitious project: a submarine-hunting unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV). That county may not be the one you are expecting.

South Korean manufacturer Hanwha Systems unveiled the ASWUUV (Anti-Submarine Warfare Unmanned Underwater Vehicle) in a defense show on October 22. It is designed to prowl the ocean, at depth of up to 1,000 feet, hunting for enemy submarines. Once detected, it will alert friendly forces so the prey can be trapped and destroyed. It is not yet in production but is expected to hit the water next year.

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WNU Editor: I can understand why the South Koreans want this underwater drone fleet as quickly as possible. North Korea's submarine fleet has always been a threat to their security.


Roger Smith said...

Thanks Bob.

Anonymous said...

Imagine we could get rid of wars. .all that money .. about a trillion could instead be invested every year into all kinda things. Like better economic multipliers. Sure, I know the argument of scientific breakthroughs thanks to military research (including the rapid uptake of penicillin, ie not just material technology or rocket technology etc), but. .when you see the amount of steel involved that just sits around..the training deaths. .and of course the actual deaths in war. .the costs of War and cost of prepardness for war. likely is more than just 1 trillion/year. .and with the opportunity costs (for better economic/quality of life multipliers, we're looking perhaps at 2 trillion or more per year. .with that money you could buy a small countrt every year. . You could have 50 Mars missions every year. .you could build 10,000 new hospitals every year. ..we could save millions from starvation, every year

Just think :)

Or. .we spend it on researching VR porn and make it really, really, really good :D come on guys! We can do it! !

Anonymous said...

People in Somalia were starving. Militias were not spending a lot of money on military hardware.

Not much at all, but still they were starving whole tribes.

Building hospitals to save people is a waste of time and actually detrimental unless those saved people get their birth rate to about 2.1 %.

I do not believe the military multiplier is a reason to invest in the military. It is a side benefit, but it is not a reason to invest by itself. It is better than the Nancy Pelosi welfare spending multiplier that she bragged about.

Bob Huntley said...

If you are going to go around the world subverting governments, killing innocent people and stealing resources you had better have a relatively large and well equipped army at the ready because sooner or later you will need to defend your homeland from invasion.

Anonymous said...

Bobbie would have you believe that the US has the only government using secret services.

"The World Was Going Our Way: The KGB and the Battle for the the Third World - Newly Revealed Secrets from the Mitrokhin Archive"

What would Bobbie know? Nothing. Little cuck does not speak Chines or Arabic.

But he likes sling excrement like the best of monkeys. When he needs more ammo, he just reaches behind his back and flings again.

Bob Huntley said...


For sure.

War is costly, peace is priceless.

Being hooked on war is not much different than being hooked on dope.

Control is the game and those who wage endless war for no good reason are duped dopes.