Friday, November 1, 2019

This Is How North Korea's Artillery Would Wage War


David Ace, National Interest: This Is How North Korea's Artillery Would Wage War

Key Point: North Korea has 13,000 artillery pieces that would kill thousands.

Pyongyang on May 9, 2019 launched a second “projectile,” South Korean officials said.

The May tests of at least one apparently nuclear-capable short-range missile startled foreign observers and threatened to elevate tensions between the United States and its allies South Korea and Japan on one side and, on the other side, North Korea and its main patron China.

But a less dramatic test of North Korea’s heavy artillery that occurred at the same time as the May 4 rocket launch arguably is more important.

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WNU Editor: That is a lot of firepower.


RussInSoCal said...

Expect nonstop fusillade. And then a deafening silence.

Jac said...

Yes, that's a lot of firepower, but for how long? This remind me the huge army tanks of Saddam Hussein. It was the 3rd (yes) tank number in the world after USSR an USA. It was just a marvelous target and was decapitated in few days.

Roger Smith said...

I have yet to understand what makes NK feel the need to have so much armament.

fazman said...

Exactly, the response to the initial volley will be beyong their comprehension.
Their shells are of very low quality and have a high failure rate.

Bob Huntley said...

Same old stuff Roger. Often countries spend so much on armament really just to keep their people on edge, believing that while an attack may not be imminent it is coming. I guess North Korea has a WIC of sorts too.