Monday, November 18, 2019

This Is The Reason Why Hong Kong's Police Want To Seize The Chinese University Of Hong Kong (CUHK) From The Protesters

Police fires a water cannon during clashes with anti-government protesters outside Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) in Hong Kong, November 18, 2019. REUTERS/Adnan Abidi

Zero Hedge: Control of the Internet may be the Real Reason for Police Violence at Chinese University of Hong Kong

The Hong Kong police have raided several universities, attempted to make arrests, and clashed with student protesters who set up barricades to defend the campus. In particular, the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) was apparently the main focus of the police, and became a literal battleground. Many CUHK students suspect that the real goal of the police is to control the internet, as Hong Kong’s internet center which handles 99 percent of the city’s internet traffic is located inside the CUHK campus.

The police fired multiple rounds of tear gas, rubber bullets, bean bag rounds and a water cannon on Nov. 12. Students retaliated by throwing bricks and petrol bombs at the police. At least 60 students were injured, several were hit in the head. A reporter at the scene was also hit by rubber bullets in the head and lost consciousness, according to local media.

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Update: Here's The Real Reason Why Hong Kong Authorities Are Desperate To Regain Control Of University (Zero Hedge)

WNU Editor: I am surprised that this one hub handles all of Hong Kong's internet traffic. I can understand why the government wants to seize it, but do it in a matter to not destroy it. I also doubt that the protesters will want to destroy this hub. It is how they are getting their message out. But if it does become damaged or destroyed, the economic costs to Hong Kong will be staggering.


Mr Kim Chi said...

The Hong Kong Internet Service Providers Association warns that restricting online access would be ruinous for the region

Kim Chi said...


Bob Huntley said...


Blackdog said...

This is how the Chinese system works, control the information, control what you can learn and know, control what you think. Control you.

Anonymous said...

and denounce news you do not like as Fake News

Anonymous said...

That's really weird. .but I doubt they don't have a replacement ready to go within a couple days. Sure. ..millions lost over those days but also many financial corporations have fall back lines/satellite connection in such event, so I doubt it would be more than a say 10-50 million usd lost

Anonymous said...

No fake news in America

NBC did not place a pyrotechnic device in the gas tank of a pickup.

Nope the American press is as clean as the wind driven snow.

Only commie countries or former commie countries like China or Russia have fake news.

"NBC Admits It Rigged Crash, Settles GM Suit"