Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Tweets For Today


Anonymous said...

Sorry, but stealing in the order of 150million is not theft anymore.. that's high treason.

Imagine how many people could be helped in terms of medication with that and now cannot. It is unimaginable that such "theft" causes death, but it does. When the money is not there, hospitals cannot treat people.

I "get" theft.. I understand it. I have stolen myself (as a child) myself, to survive. But stealing beyond survival, and 150million is exactly that, is corrupt to the extend that you're almost the same as a direct murderer. No sympathy for those guys if they get caught. Minimum I would want, if I was Russian, is a loooooong prison sentence. Talking 20+ years

Anonymous said...

I agree with what 3:21 wrote except the "to survive" part.

Anonymous said...

“My wife has my phone.”

“Your wife left me a VM. Am I supposed to respond? She thinks we’re having an affair. Should I call and correct her understanding? Leave this to you to address?”

“I don’t know. I said we were close friends and nothing more. She knows I sent you flowers. I said you were having a tough week.”