Saturday, November 2, 2019

Tweets For Today


Anonymous said...

Fox News Poll: Record support for Trump impeachment | Fox News
--Sean Doolittle on declining White House invite: ‘I don’t want to hang out with somebody who talks like that’
--White House official who heard Trump’s call with Ukraine leader testified that he was told to keep quiet
--Trump claims the impeachment inquiry will “backfire.” Polling indicates he’s wrong.
--Growing number of GOP senators consider acknowledging Trump’s quid pro quo on Ukraine
--Trump impeachment: White House lawyer 'told top security official not to discuss Ukraine call' after expressing concerns
--Official says ISIS leader al-Baghdadi 'whimpering' and 'crying' before his death sounds like something Trump 'made up'

Anonymous said...

--Official says ISIS leader al-Baghdadi 'whimpering' and 'crying' before his death sounds like something Trump 'made up'

Jesus Fred, don't you have at least one lick good sense?

You could draw a decision tree. I understand very well why you wouldn't. It would be extremely mentally taxing for you and your brain would have to overclock something fierce. You would have to do math and understand logic. So I understand why you wouldn't.

Now the statement is true or it is false. If it is false, why would trump do it?

Psyops and propaganda. It does not matter if the enemy knows it is psyops , it can still be effective often.

Battle shouts were used for hundreds of years if not millenia. Each side knew they were coming and so logically could disregard them, but they didn't and battle shouts often work regardless if the enemy knows of their reason.

However as a good liberal you seek at every opportunity to give aid and succor to the enemy.

Don't think you are modern and above it it all. Modern people are every bit as impressionable as say Renaissance people. During the renaissance street actor had stock characters that had formulaic presentation. It would seem dumb, repetitive and boring. Yet here in the 21 st century we have stock characters, formulaic presentations. We are new and improved though, loll. We call them TV tropes. So better huh?!?

Just remember English major that all modern means more less "mode of the day".

It does not imply that we are superior to bygone times. Just the mode has changed.

1490–1500; < Middle French moderne < Late Latin modernus, equivalent to Latin mod(o), mod(ō) lately, just now (orig. ablative singular of modus mode1) + -ernus adj. suffix of time

After all we still have slavery and it is rampant. So are we better than the antebellum South? You have lots of slavery in NYC and many a good lib seems to pay no mind and actually enjoy it and profit from it.

The liberal "don't ask don't tell" policy at work (& that is not referring to LGBT, but borrowing the phrase because it is succinct).

Anonymous said...

Tom McCarthy / The Guardian:
Experts on Trump's conduct: ‘Plainly an abuse of power, plainly impeachable’ Find
45 minutes ago
Everton Bailey Jr / Oregonian:
Baton attack during June protests in downtown Portland lands man in prison for nearly 6 years Find
70 minutes ago
Nick Miroff / Washington Post:
Smugglers are sawing through new sections of Trump's border wall Find
85 minutes ago
Natasha Korecki / Politico:
In Iowa, Biden confronts a growing threat: Pete Buttigieg Find
6 hours ago
Associated Press:
The Latest: Trump cites impeachment in Miss. campaign pitch Find
6 hours ago
Polina Ivanova / Reuters:
Exclusive: Overhaul of Ukraine prosecution agency buries Manafort inquiries - investigators Find
» Extend timeline

Anonymous said...

And the parrot gave up and vomited instead.

Confused Joe Biden Thinks He’s Still Vice President, ‘What The President and I Want’

Anonymous said...

Soy Boy Beto dropped out

Kamala Harris is dropping soon.

Who is left?

- Chief Lie-a-watha Warren
- Millionaire Socialist Sanders
- Buttegieg
- Slo Joe

Book does not count. He will flame out like Beto, the fake Mexican.

Bernie Sanders use to say millionaires should be taxed out of existence. Then he became one. Now he says billionaires should not exist. He moved the goal post. Bernie will make a great fascist leader.

In another 8 months Joe will be so far gone that the Democrats will be better of putting a cardboard cutout on the debate stage.

"Sanders’ attitudes toward the wealthy have shifted over time. In 2015, he decried the suggestion of giving “tax breaks to millionaires.” In 2016, he asked if Americans were “comfortable to see a huge increase in millionaires and billionaires but have more people living in poverty than ever?” He added that he was not. Sanders tweeted the same question in 2017 but did not include the part about him not being okay with the disconnect."

Anonymous said...

Billionaires should not exist.

Bernie Sanders added,

Anonymous said...

He (Biden) is not playing with a full deck.

Neither are his voters!

Anonymous said...

I was beaten on the head & robbed on 29 June. Antifa then continued to hurl "milkshakes" at my bleeding face. I was hospitalized with a brain hemorrhage. There still hasn't been a single arrest by @PortlandPolice. Help me seek justice; join my legal fund:

The fascist mayor won't let the police arrest any of the CHUDS working for the Democrat Party.

None of the CHUD candidates, Warren, Biden, Bernie or Buttegieg will help, because they approve of political violence.

What else can you expect of hard-Left politicians?

Anonymous said...

Buttegieg, a gay politician with some power (not a lot but some) will not assist a gay reporter.

Funny how Google a search engine ran by evil people will not return anything for the search phrase

"buttegiege Andy NGO"

I misspelled Buttegieg in my search, but normally Google is robust enough to account for such a misspelling. No what wee have is human intervention in the search algorithm,

The evil CHUD thumb of hard-leftists.

In another search engine did gets this

EXCLUSIVE: Top Buttigieg Staffer Called For “Urine Attack” On FL Congressman Matt Gaetz

I was not kidding, when I said Democrats throw excrement just like monkeys.

The difference between a monkey, any monkey and a Democrat is that the monkey is more humane.

Anonymous said...

The Justice Department shot down claims by former Trump national security adviser Mike Flynn’s lawyers that former FBI agent Peter Strzok and others at the bureau “set up” their client in a court filing.

Flynn’s attorneys alleged in a filing last week their client was trapped by Obama administration holdovers such as former FBI Director James Comey and former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe in an effort to hobble newly elected President Trump, that Strzok and the other agent “ambushed” Flynn, and that Strzok and former FBI lawyer Lisa Page manipulated the FBI interview notes so they could claim Flynn had lied when he hadn’t.

"Each contention is divorced from the facts," federal prosecutors said in a 46-page filing Friday.

Anonymous said...

CHUD Leaders of the Democrat Party are dumber than a box of rocks

Andrew Cuomo: 'We Didn't Have Hurricanes' Before Climate Change

An analysis of sedimentary evidence from New Jersey showed that a major hurricane struck the New York/New Jersey area between 1278 and 1438, long before the internal combustion engine. Another hurricane tracked parallel to the East Coast with impacts on New England and New York in August 1635. On September 8, 1667, a "severe storm" was reported in Manhattan. The Great Storm of 1693 caused severe damage on Land Island in October 1693. In September 1785, ships crashed into Governors Island as a result of powerful waves reportedly generated by a tropical cyclone. In August 1788, a hurricane struck New York City or Long Island, causing severe flooding and leaving the west side of the Battery "in ruins."

According to CHUDS and Hard-Left droolers there were no hurricanes before 1800.

Except there really were.

Anonymous said...

Come on CHUDS of the DNC. Why are they searching for Old Spanish treasure galleons of the coast of Florida?

BECAUSE THEY WERE SUNK BEFORE industrial Revolution by Hurricanes that CHUD Andrew Cuomo said did not exist.

Everyone got the message except poor old Andrew.

Anonymous said...

July 31, 1715

Hurricane sinks Spanish treasure ships

Democrat Andrew Cuomo is a very special CHUD. He is very stupid. What explains his high office?

Democrats privilege or White privilege?

Or is it intersectional?

I vote the former. Andrew is the scion of Democrat aristocracy just like Nancy Pelosi.

He was born with a golden spoon in his mouth.

Anonymous said...

Google is evil.

Big Tech Suppresses Information About the Health Damage It Inflicts on Kids

Anonymous said...

Chaos in Brooklyn as 1,000 anti-cop protesters storm subway stations yelling 'don't let these pigs touch us' after a spate of violent arrests and the city's vow to add even MORE officers to crackdown on anyone not paying the $2.75 fare

Democrat CHUDS want a free ride, literally!

Anonymous said...

w Item Finder:
Yahoo News:
Children were told to ‘build the wall’ at White House Halloween party Find
20 minutes ago
Matt Shuham / Talking Points Memo:
WaPo: WH Record Of Trump-Zelensky Call Put Words In Ukrainian Prez's Mouth, Official Testified Find
25 minutes ago
Jason Leopold / BuzzFeed News:
The Mueller Report's Secret Memos Find
30 minutes ago
Hanna Trudo / The Daily Beast:
Democrats Plan Political Siege on Trump's Sunshine State Move Find
45 minutes ago
Radley Balko / Washington Post:
A Louisiana DA will let you out of your community service obligation — if you donate to his nonprofit Find
45 minutes ago
John McDermott / New York Times:
Those People We Tried to Cancel? They're All Hanging Out Together Find

Anonymous said...

Annie Karni / New York Times:
As Government Officials Testify Against Trump, Critics Question Why an Author Stays Anonymous Find
85 minutes ago
Bobby Lewis / Media Matters for America:
The White House press briefing now takes place on Fox News Find
1½ hours ago
Yahoo News:
Children were told to ‘build the wall’ at White House Halloween party Find
2 hours ago
Matt Shuham / Talking Points Memo:
WaPo: WH Record Of Trump-Zelensky Call Put Words In Ukrainian Prez's Mouth, Official Testified Find
2 hours ago
Jason Leopold / BuzzFeed News:
The Mueller Report's Secret Memos Find
2 hours ago
Hanna Trudo / The Daily Beast:
Democrats Plan Political Siege on Trump's Sunshine State Move Find

Anonymous said...

C.H.U.D. = Cannibalistic Humanoid Urban Dweller


1.) Liberals Are Eating Their Own

2.) Liberals are eating their friends as well as their enemies

3.) Joe Biden Is Learning That Liberals Eat Their Own


Liberals are humanoid.

LGBT Activists Won’t Admit Anything’s Wrong With A Man Flashing Children During Drag Queen Story Hour

Urban Dweller

Progressive Cities vs. Conservative States - The Atlantic

Anonymous said...

The Trump voter is a football fan rooting for the home team. “American First” is about winning the game at any cost, whatever the consequences, even if it means spying on the other team’s practices, deflating the footballs, or undermining the game. After all, what’s the big deal and everybody cheats. The goal is to win, not to kiss your sister.

What binds Trump’s extremely rich and economically struggling supporters together are their cynical beliefs about the motives of others. They think everyone else is out to steal what is rightfully theirs, whether it is great wealth or a small house with a lousy job, and that "liberals" have an unrealistic view of human nature, which permits them to welcome refugees and undocumented immigrants and to help Blacks and the undeserving who only want to grab away what they have. Get advantage for yourself; protect what you have; use the government to promote your personal business interest. That is the way the game is played. Meanwhile, rightwing religious leaders can ignore everything immoral that Trump does because, after all, we are all sinners and God works in strange ways.