Friday, November 1, 2019

Two Containers Of Cash On Its Way To Libya Intercepted By Malta

Protesters demand an end to Khalifa Haftar’s offensive against the UN-backed government in Libya. Photograph: Ahmed Jadallah/Reuters

The Guardian: Malta halts shipment of cash destined for Libyan rebel chief

Huge cache thought to have come from Russia in order to bankroll general’s war effort

The Maltese government has seized a massive shipment of unofficial Libyan banknotes believed to have been destined for Khalifa Haftar, the military commander leading an offensive to dislodge the UN-backed government in Tripoli.

Security services in Malta confirmed two 2,000-cubic-foot (56-cubic-metre) containers packed full of the recently introduced currency were discovered at the end of September when the shipment stopped in Malta.

The cash is thought to have originated from a Russian-owned mint, which has been printing money for the unrecognised Libyan government, based in the eastern city of Bayda. It is claimed the money has been used to fuel the war on Tripoli.

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WNU Editor: Two Containers?!?!?! That is a lot of cash.


Roger Smith said...

Just paper, in the end. Ask the termites. Nonetheless I'm pleased to see this. The seizure should reduce the fight in Hafter's crowd and crimp their weaponry and munitions purchases.

Sure puts obama's airlift to his Iranian friends to shame. They must feel insulted.

Anonymous said...

CHUD unable to act mature

Anonymous said...

that Obama money was money belonging to Iran and was given in order to secure agreement on what do we have ?

Anonymous said...

The money is Iranian, but that does not mean that it has to go to Iran forthwith.

Say we had a similar if hypothetical situation with German money in 1939. Since the money would be German should it go to Hitler or should it be given to a successor government?

Jac said...

As long as the money is Libyan means "fake", where is the problem? So, it will be re-print again with an other channel. Only the timing is in jeopardy.