Monday, November 18, 2019

U.S. Army Will Soon Distribute Playing Cards Identifying Iranian And Russian Weapons

Worldwide Equipment Identification Cards, released by Army Training and Doctrine Command, helps Soldiers recognize and remember potential adversary vehicles and weapons. (U.S. Army/Gary Sheftick)

Task & Purpose: The Army is making playing cards to help soldiers identify Iranian and Russian weapons systems

Soldiers will soon be getting a new deck of playing cards displaying Iranian and Russian weapons systems, because if you're going to waste time playing cards, you might as well learn something useful.

While training cards picturing Chinese equipment, weaponry and nomenclature have already been disseminated, the Army is still working on decks featuring Russian and Iranian equipment as well, according to Megan Reed, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) spokeswoman.

"TRADOC developed the Equipment Identification Training Cards as an education tool to train the next generation of soldiers and leaders," Reed told Task & Purpose.

Read more ....

Update #1: The Army Is Using Playing Cards to Train Soldiers on Enemy Weapons (
Update #2: Report: Army introduces new deck of playing cards with Iranian weapons systems (Army Times)

WNU Editor: The Ace of Spades is the T-72.


Anonymous said...

Card playing is not a waste of time. People intuitively calculate statistics. Plus there is strategy. There is something instructive in seeing how well you can play the hand life or chance has dealt you.

On another note the US military should sell these to support MWR or whatever. These cards are cool.

Anonymous said...

solitaire=selfie=self abuse

Bob Huntley said...

"solitaire=selfie=self abuse" from someone not so cool.

Anonymous said...
