Sunday, November 10, 2019

U.S. National Security Adviser: NATO Alliance Breaking Up Because Germany 'Not Paying Their Fair Share

Trump's National Security Adviser said Germany, other NATO members "not paying their fair share" of defense spending is breaking up alliance. Screenshot: CBS "Face the Nation"

Newsweek: NATO Alliance Breaking Up Because Germany 'Not Paying Their Fair Share,' Trump National Security Adviser Says

U.S. National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien said Germany and other NATO countries "not paying their fair share" in defense has hurt the alliance more than Turkey's recent incursion into Syria.

O'Brien, who replaced John Bolton in September as President Donald Trump's national security adviser, responded to infighting among NATO allies including France and Germany, saying the U.S. is still committed to the 29-member, 70-year-old North Atlantic Treaty Organization. O'Brien's "fair share" criticism of Germany comes amid widening cracks and public sniping about imbalance between NATO countries.

O'Brien and other NATO leaders say they hope to rectify such issues during next week's Heads of State and Government summit in London.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: When it comes to NATO budget commitments Germany has no credibility .... Germany Has A Credibility Problem With NATO (April 5, 2019).


Bob Huntley said...


Anonymous said...

Germany has planes that cannot fly,

ships that cannot sail and

troops drilling with wooden broomsticks

It is a fair assessment to say that Germany is not paying its fair share and that is very sad for me to say.

Instead we have this failure leading Germany as a PM. Just because someone is a good street fight, pit fighter or political fighter does not make them a good man or woman or a success.

If being a successful politician for x number of years was a definition of a good man or person, the Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, Kim Jung Il, and others would be consider good men or women.

I can't see that Merkel has ever accomplished anything good or lasting in her whole life.

Anonymous said...

Anon @818
That's unfair. Merkel did accomplished a lot! She made a big big oil deal with Putin. Remember? Big accomplishment!
Oh wait. You mean what she did for Germany or the EU? Hmm
She let in 1 million refugees which then brought us Brexit because they thought she was crazy. Oh wait. Sorry. Forgot. Women are protected class and make no mistakes even if she almost destroyed the entire EU.
What?you say she couldn't help Putin more if she tried?
No no, my friend. Remember: Trump is the putin puppet not Merkel. How dare you criticise a woman in 2019!!! Women in politics are flawless. All of them. Merkel. Pelosi. AOC. That south Korean prime Minister who got sacked for corruption. Was just a big misunderstanding. They didn't have me2 in south Korea yet or they would have understood that all women tell the truth and are super competent angels. Not at all people who got jobs thanks to our affirmative action programs and entitlement thinking.