Friday, November 1, 2019

U.S. Withholding $105 Million In Security Aid For Lebanon

A Lebanese soldier watches anti-government protests in Sidon from atop a military vehicle. Reuters

Reuters: Exclusive: U.S. withholding $105 million in security aid for Lebanon - sources

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration is withholding $105 million in security aid for Lebanon, two U.S. officials said on Thursday, two days after the resignation of Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri.

The State Department told Congress on Thursday that the White House budget office and National Security Council had decided to withhold the foreign military assistance, the two officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

The officials did not say why the aid was blocked. One of the sources said the State Department did not give Congress a reason for the decision.

The State Department declined to comment.

Read more ....

Update #1: Trump administration withholding $105M in aid for Lebanon (The Hill)
Update #2: US withholds $105 million in security aid for Lebanon (The National)

WNU Editor: Apparently Israel requested this cut-off .... After Israeli plea, US cutting $105 million in military aid to Lebanon — report (Times of Israel). The U.K. is still providing aid .... UK announces up to €22 million in support of Lebanon's army as US withholds funds (Euronews/Reuters).


Anonymous said...

But but anon source!

Anonymous said...

On Wednesday, Israeli officials said they had asked allies to condition any aid to Lebanon on efforts to get rid of advanced arms stationed there.

“In discreet talks with various capitals, we made it clear that any aid meant to guarantee the stability of Lebanon needs to be conditioned on Lebanon dealing with Hezbollah’s precision-guided missiles,” a senior official said, speaking on condition of anonymity. “Anything short of that will be problematic, in our eyes.”

Bob Huntley said...

DJ is about to propose some more tax relief for the wealthy. Good timing for election donations. Another form of back scratching?

Anonymous said...

it is only a deficit addition and your grandchildren will pick up the tab
the GOP used to carp about such deficits, recall?

Bob Huntley said...

Not my grand children. Although I have to be cautious about that. On father's day I get cards from all over the world including not a few from the USA.

Anonymous said...

If you lower the tax rate of the top 1%, but still get the same or more revenue from them, it is a win or a win-win.

The theoretical proof depends on about 1 to 3 months worth of calculus beyond high school math. Or it is high school calculus depending on the school.

Empirically you look at the tax receipts.

Sad to say many hard Leftists do not have a clue about economics or reality.

Bob Huntley said...


It would be interesting to learn you cut on negative interest rates.