Friday, November 22, 2019

Wars Have Cost The U.S. $6.4 Trillion Over The Past 20 Years

Mish Talks: Forever War in the Last 20 Years Cost $6.4 Trillion

Since 911, the cost of Forever War totals $6.4 Trillion and 801,000 killed including 335,000 dead civilians. For What?

Neta C. Crawford, Professor and Chair of the Department of Political Science at Boston University and a co-director of the Costs of War Project at Brown University calculates the [Cost of 20 Years of War].

Read more ....

WNU Editor: And the costs continue to rise.


Bob Huntley said...

Costs measured in money.

Anonymous said...

There are costs of inaction.

Blackie said...

If you listen to fools the mob rules

Blackie said...

Keep it up see what happens people keep killing yourself over and over again in hell