Sunday, December 29, 2019

Ending The U.S. Invovlement In The Afghan War Is President Trump's Next Priority

President Trump in Afghanistan (YouTube)

Don Surber: Ending the Afghanistan War may be next

Having fixed the economy, won a trade war battle with Red China, appointed 1/4th of the appellate judges, rolled back regulations, and cut taxes, what is next for President Donald John Trump?

My guess is he will end the Afghanistan War next.

Business Insider reported, "Months after taking office in 2017 and hoping to get a better understanding of America’s longest war, President Donald Trump began taking meetings with enlisted US service members who deployed to Afghanistan.

"'I want to sit down with some enlisted guys that have been there,' Trump told advisers, according to the national security journalist Peter Bergen’s latest book, Trump and His Generals: The Cost of Chaos.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: He now has the ceasefire that he had demanded .... Taliban Council Agrees To A Temporary Ceasefire In Afghanistan.


Anonymous said...

" He now has the ceasefire that he had demanded"

One would hope. I voted for him and will again, but the Taliban are not to be trusted. they'll break the ceasefire.

If the ceasefire lasted less than 2 weeks in the summer I would say it was a stunt. It is winter now and operations are difficult anyway.

Bob Huntley said...

You invade a country, kill a lot of people, many of whom are innocent of any wrongdoing and you say the Taliban are not to be trusted? If such is the case then you need to either wipe them out, or leave the country.

Bob Huntley said...

No excuse to murder innocent people, not if you want to portray yourselves as being the good guys. And you are still there killing innocent people for what reason?

Anonymous said...

Yup, once again Bob proves that he is the cuck that we know and love. Anytime there is collateral damage, it makes any western army a bad guy. There will never be a war without collateral damage. You can try to minimize it and you can succeed up to a point, but you cannot totally eliminate collateral damage.

You know the reason we are there although you pretend that you are nearly brainless and clueless.

Hypothetically under Bibbity Bobbity rules Bob would tell the police that they could not come onto hos property to arrest a friend of his wanted for murder, because ... hospitality.

You are very special Bob.