Monday, December 2, 2019

Former FBI Lawyer Lisa Page Speaks Out On Russia-Gate


Daily Mail: Lisa Page Speaks: ‘There’s No Fathomable Way I Have Committed Any Crime at All’

The former FBI lawyer and ongoing Trump target breaks two years of silence in this exclusive interview. And she has quite a lot to say.

It’s not often that you interview a subject who has no interest in being famous. But recently, I did just that when I sat down with Lisa Page the week before Thanksgiving in my hotel room in Washington. Page, of course, is the former FBI lawyer whose text-message exchanges with agent Peter Strzok that belittled Donald Trump and expressed fear at his possible victory became international news. They were hijacked by Trump to fuel his “deep-state” conspiracy.

For the nearly two years since her name first made the papers, she’s been publicly silent (she did have a closed-door interview with House members in July 2018). I asked her why she was willing to talk now. “Honestly, his demeaning fake orgasm was really the straw that broke the camel’s back,” she says. The president called out her name as he acted out an orgasm in front of thousands of people at a Minneapolis rally on Oct. 11, 2019.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: An over-the-top puff piece if I ever read one. Not one hard question asked ... like the double standard that she applied to investigating Hillary Clinton and President Trump .... The Creepiest Part of the Lisa Page Transcript (American Spectator). Or not asking her how her text messages with FBI Agent Peter Strzok ended with his removal from the Mueller investigation and eventual firing from the FBI .... Former FBI Agent Peter Strzok Who Was Responsible For The Investigation Into Russian Election Meddling Has Been Fired By The FBI (August 13, 2018). She has no remorse on what she did, and her continued hatred towards President Trump is made very clear in this interview.


Anonymous said...

Several actors have read the Mueller Report a a performance piece.

What a group f actors need to do is read the Peter Stoke and Lisa Page Texts as a performance piece.

"Oh Peter, Strzok ME!"

"The Mueller report hits the stage with star-studded Broadway cast"

Anonymous said...

"At the end of the day, Page wants us to know that she's the real victim here. Perhaps she can provide those missing 19,000 text messages for some even better context?"

Anonymous said...

“I’m completely nonpartisan you Walmart-smelling Trump supporters” - Lisa Page

Anonymous said...

She gave her interview to Teen Vogue !

I always go to Teen Vogue for hard hitting journalism.

Roger Smith said...

Anon 11:36AM

"...Teen Vogue for hard hitting journalism." Hilarious!!!

Anonymous said...

Aldi is more cut rate than Walmart. I wonder what Lisa Page thinks of Aldi shoppers?

That they are cheapskate NAZIs?

RussInSoCal said...

I predict she'll be a paid CNN "analyst" within 2 weeks.

Anonymous said...


You are correct.

She left her job. The DC metro area is expensive. She needs money.

Rush Limbaugh had 2 things to say about it today. First is that people in an IG report get to read it and contest it before it is issued. So she saw the report and that is why she feels safe to come out.

Second he said she would be on CNN.

Anonymous said...

"The subjects of the investigation get to see what the IG — in this case the guy’s name is Horowitz — what he turned up. Well, obviously if she’s not going to be referred criminally for prosecution, ?then she’s feeling a vast amount of relief, and that would mean she could now speak out publicly without any fear of doing so damaging a case now that we probably can assure ourselves is not gonna happen. And now she said the reason she’s going public, she can no longer stay silent."

Well, Rush did not say CNN or it is on another transcript. I thought I heard it.

Anyway it was a good post Russ.