Sunday, December 29, 2019

Is President Trump's Impeachment Escalating The New US-Russian Cold War?

Zero Hedge: Cohen: How Impeachment Is Escalating The New US-Russian Cold War

Summary of Broadcast Produced by Yvonne Lorenzo:

As the New Cold War gathers up speed and escalates, we are entering a “fact free world” as allegations are made that are proved not to be true are promoted; for example, the allegation that the DNC was hacked by Russia has been officially debunked—no one could name the seventeen intelligence agencies, the Coast Guard was one. The notion of the hacking was cooked up by two agencies: by the DNI’s head James Clapper and Brennan at the CIA. Nevertheless, recently News Anchor Chuck Todd of NBC (the most pro-Russiagate network, the ones who shamelessly accused presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard of being a Russian asset) took it one step further: ignoring the facts, Todd again stated that seventeen intelligence agencies agreed that the Russians not only interfered in the election but that they swung the election to Trump.

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WNU Editor: I know Stephen Cohen and I have disagreed with him on numerous occasions. But his above analysis on Russia is correct. His podcast on the John Batchelor Show is not working, but his recent talk with Larry King (above video) summarizes what he has been saying for the past three years.


Anonymous said...

At one point, the Russians used servers located in the U.S. to carry out the massive data exfiltration effort, the report confirms.

Much of the information was previously learned from the indictment of Viktor Borisovich Netyksho, the Russian officer in charge of Unit 26165. Netyksho is believed to be still at large in Russia.

But new details in the 488-page redacted report released by the Justice Department on Thursday offered new insight into how the GRU operatives hacked.

The operatives working for the Russian intelligence directorate, the GRU, sent dozens of targeted spearphishing emails in just five days to the work and personal accounts of Clinton Campaign employees and volunteers, as a way to break into the campaign’s computer systems.

Anonymous said...

"Borisovich Netyksho, the Russian officer in charge of Unit 26165. Netyksho is believed to be still at large in Russia."

That is a funny statement. A Russian officer carrying out sanctioned Russia policy is still at large in Russia.

Anonymous said...

The podcast seems to be working for me. Maybe give it another try?

Steve Cohen is an invaluable truth-teller and I'm always surprised that John Batchelor doesn't get pilloried for having him on air every week to talk about the insane direction of our Russian relations.