Monday, December 23, 2019

Is The United States Being Outmatched By Russia and China?

Dan Goure, National Interest: Military Nightmare: Is the United States Being Outmatched by Russia and China?

America may not be able to compete in future wars.

Key Point: It's been decades since the U.S. army has had to prepare to fight a peer competitor.

The U.S. Army once was superior to every potential adversary in terms of combat power, what it called overmatch. This is no longer entirely true. In the future battlefields, the Army will face enemies that will be extremely lethal, more numerous, fighting on home turf and able to exploit the advantage of getting in the first blow. Unless the Army takes a number of steps in the near-term, it is likely to find itself not merely outmatched, but at risk of defeat.

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WNU Editor: If there is a war between the U.S. and China and/or Russia, I am one of those who believes that it will quickly escalate into a nuclear one. In such a scenario no one is going to be outmatched. Most of us would be dead.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Imagine cockroaches (who survive nuclear disasters) develop intelligence and start to get sick of us (not of me, of course, I'm a big cockroach friend) and then instigate a nuclear war...
could happen.. not likely.. not likely indeed.. but.. could happen.. like 1/1,000,000,000,000,000,000 of a chance.

According to Dick Cheney, we should start waterboarding those suckers!

PS Merry Christmas
PPS Yeah, nuclear war is no bueno. Don't do it for another 2 decades, please, thaaahaanks