Friday, December 13, 2019

No Confirmation Yet From China That A Trade Deal With The U.S. Has Been Made

Zero Hedge: China Refuses To Confirm Trade Deal As Local Media Stays Dead Silent

Markets are closed in Beijing, the workday is over, and there are zero official reports in the local media or comments by state officials that a trade deal ever took place. That may be because, as we explained on Thursday night, the language of the "deal" will never be made public and there would be no signing event between President Trump and President Xi.

One may even ask if there is even a "deal"?

As the WSJ writes this morning, China indicated that a near-term trade agreement with the U.S. has yet to be completed despite President Trump’s signoff, highlighting the unpredictability of a negotiation process that has rattled global markets and businesses.

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WNU Editor: This is so typical of the Chinese. If there was no trade deal they would be contradicting President Trump right now. So that tells me that there is a deal. But when a deal is not to their liking, there will be no public announcement, and that will be a signal to everyone to not respect it. Bottom line. Beijing is not going to respect what they have agreed to in these trade talks this week, and the trade war continues.