Sunday, December 1, 2019

This Is Why Washington's Air Defense NEtwork Was Activated Early Last Week

Fully armed and ready to go F-16s sit engines running at Andrews AFB. The LITENING targeting pod is used for long-range air-to-air visual identification of targets. USAF

Warzone/The Drive: Here Is What Really Happened With That Mysterious Washington D.C. Air Defense Scare

There have been confusing reports of mysterious blobs in the sky and mistaken birds flocks. This is exactly what was detected and what wasn't and why.

At around 8:30am on November 26th, what appeared to be a potential violation of the tightly controlled airspace ringing Washington D.C. occurred, sparking off a course of events that drew national attention. The White House and the Capitol went into lockdown as a Coast Guard MH-65, callsign Blackjack, scrambled to intercept the possible intruder and F-16s were sent to runway alert at Andrews AFB, prepared to rocket into the sky if needed at a moment's notice. Confusion followed as to what exactly was detected and why. Now, according to officials with direct knowledge of the events, here is what actually occurred.

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WNU Editor: It was an anomaly that quickly escalated into an alert that activated the city's defense systems. And while the operators were convinced that this was just a glitch, the chain of command will not take a chance.


Roger Smith said...

How the Big One might start.

Anonymous said...

Can you say Mathias Rust?

Anonymous said...

Mathias Rust

"While doing his obligatory community service (Zivildienst) in a West German hospital in 1989, Rust stabbed a female co-worker who had rejected him. The victim barely survived. He was convicted of attempted manslaughter and sentenced to two and a half years in prison, but was released after 15 months."

WTF Germany? A guy stabs someone and he only serves 15 months?