Wednesday, December 4, 2019

US House of Representatives Approves Bill Sanctioning Chinese Officials Over Uighur Detentions

ABC News Online: Uyghur bill demanding sanctions on Chinese officials passes US House of Representatives

The US House of Representatives has overwhelmingly approved a bill that would require the Trump administration to toughen its response to China's crackdown on its Muslim minority, drawing swift condemnation from Beijing.

The Uyghur Act of 2019 is a stronger version of a bill that angered Beijing when it passed the Senate in September.

It called on President Donald Trump to impose sanctions for the first time on a member of China's powerful politburo, even as he seeks a deal with Beijing to end a trade war buffeting the global economy.

Just last week, Mr Trump signed into law legislation supporting anti-government protesters in Hong Kong despite angry objections from China.

Read more ....

Update #1: China sanctions: US House passes bill over treatment of Uighurs (BBC)
Update #2: House passes bill to sanction Chinese officials for crackdown on Muslim minority (UPI)

WNU Editor: Beijing has warned that there will be consequences .... China warns 'price must be paid' after US House approves sanctions over Uighur crackdown (France 24). More here .... China condemns US bill against Uighur camps (Al Jazeera).


Anonymous said...

The international community is behind the US on this one. China must learn to accept organised religion. You cannot imprison people for believing into a deity or motive for being alive. Yes, even Islam must be allowed. So must Hinduism. Christianity. Even those Mormons must be allowed to praise and wear magic underwear. Just like atheists believe in knowing everything (oh the hubris when even core physical models are changed like seasonal songs). All must be allowed or we're all slaves or prisoners to some state or organisation telling us what to think. China must understand this is the real red line of the West - of it means war we will have it.

It is a red line unmoveable and atheists, agnostics and religious people in the west will all gleefully die to defend this one. It is not a Barack Obama red line. This one was painted many times over in Europe and has not moved one inch.

Do not test us on this one China. Not even dare. Not even talk. Sit it out

Mike Feldhake said...

I think this is all show! I can't help see the timing between all this China legislation with a Trade deal looming and Trump impeachment. Really, although Hong Kong is fairly new, the Muslim thing has been going on for years. China trade imbalance has been years, decades in the making and all of a sudden it's like let's just pick on China!? Hmmm, something fishy.

Bob Huntley said...

A distraction, a desperate move in the face of the coming impeachment and possible firing of a President. Perhaps inspired by the realization that China is here to stay and is increasingly becoming more prominent in the world, that is, outside of its traditional sphere of influence.

Anonymous said...

Bob, you should get out more. Visit something other than the McDonald's or casino within walking distance of your flat. From the workplace to families I do not see people being anti-Chinese. At least here in America. Canucks on the other hand might be raging hypocrites and bigots. You did after all change your immigration laws to restrict Chinese immigration. Lucky for you that they did and you can still afford your council housing.

Politicians the world over are good at distractions. The other day Little Justin was asked about Canada breaking its commitment to NATO by spending less than 2% on defense. Lil' Justin completely did not answer the question but went off into Left field with an impressive display of virtue signaling. He said look at gender equality.

Maybe Pelosi is doing the right thing for ulterior motives. I would make that out to be 1 right and 2 wrongs. Be that as it may, it is still an important marker in regards to human rights.

Actually at this point, Republicans want Impeachement. It is backfiring on the lying Democrats. Polls show it. But you and PhreD keep dreaming.