Monday, December 2, 2019

U.S. Lifts Hold On Lebanon Security Aid

Reuters: Trump administration lifts hold on Lebanon security aid: source

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration has lifted a “hold” on security aid for Lebanon, a congressional aide said on Monday, more than a month after it began withholding the money.

As first reported by Reuters, the U.S. State Department told Congress on Oct. 31 that the White House budget office and National Security Council had decided to withhold $105 million in foreign military assistance, without providing any explanation of why it was blocked.

The congressional aide said on Monday the administration had still provided no explanation for the decision to withhold the money, which had been approved by Congress and the State Department.

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WNU Editor: I am not sure that this is a good decision. The chaos and mayhem in Lebanon continues .... Syrian Pound at New Low as Crisis Roils Neighboring Lebanon (Naharnet).

More News On The U.S. Lifting Its Hold On Lebanon Security Aid

Trump administration quietly releases Lebanon military aid -- AP
US ends freeze on $100 million in Lebanon aid -- AFP
Trump administration releases $105M in military aid for Lebanon after months-long delay -- The Hill


Anonymous said...

It is not a good decision. The obvious question is how much of that aid is going to end up in Hezbollah's coffers.

The decision to release the aid was political and due to pressure from Democrats, Never- Trumpers and the complicit media.

When it is documented that some of the aid went to arm Hezbollah, it should be laid at the feet of the Democrats.

Short of having people inventory any material bought or accounts audit any funds transferred, it will be impossible to monitor all the aid. Even then Hezbollah will get some of the money.

Bob Huntley said...

It was not a good decision for sure unless of course there is a backroom strategy that such money will in fact aid all parties involved in conflict and justify military intervention further down the road. Shake the hive and ultimately the honey will be yours and it is just too bad if in the process innocents somehow manage to get themselves stung.