Friday, December 27, 2019

U.S. Sanctions Against Russia Are Being Ignored In Europe

© Mikhail Metzel/TASS

Zero Hedge: US Sanctions Backfire: Russia's Gazprom & Ukraine Make Landmark Deal

Sanctions-happy Washington continues to aid in a slow rapprochement between Russia and Ukraine. Ironically enough, at moment the US is demanding Nord Stream 2 contractors to lay down their tools and wind-down operations "immediately" or face further sanctions, there's been an unprecedented breakthrough in the standoff between Russian state energy giant Gazprom and Kiev:

Of course the other supreme irony is that Washington has claimed all along to be acting in Ukraine and Europe's best interest, but it appears no one is getting the message.

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WNU editor: There are still many differences between Moscow and Kiev, but at least they are now talking .... Putin, Zelensky met briefly without interpreters on Paris summit sidelines — spokesman (TASS). And as for U.S. sanctions against Russia, the sentiment among major European countries is to lessen sanctions, not to increase them.