Saturday, December 28, 2019

Will The CIA Hand Over Former Director John Brennan’s Communications To The US Justice Department?

U.S. President Donald Trump stands with the new CIA Director Gina Haspel during her swearing-in ceremony at the headquarters of the Central Intelligence Agency in Langley, Virginia, U.S. May 21, 2018. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque

Politico: Intel probe puts CIA’s Haspel in a bind

The review led by U.S. Attorney John Durham is making life uncomfortable for America’s cautious spy chief.

The prosecutor appointed by Attorney General Bill Barr to examine the origins of the Russia investigation is focusing much of his attention on the CIA, placing the agency’s director, Gina Haspel, at the center of a politically toxic tug-of-war between the Justice Department and the intelligence community.

The prosecutor, John Durham, has reportedly asked the CIA for former director John Brennan’s communications as he examines the January 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment that concluded Russian President Vladimir Putin intervened in the election specifically to help Donald Trump.

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WNU Editor: I do not think CIA Director Haspel has much of a choice. U.S. Attorney John Durham has been sanctioned by the Justice Department with the President's approval to get to the bottom on how the entire Russian collusion hoax came to dominate Washington politics for the entire Trump Presidency. We have already learned through the Justice Department's Inspector General's report on the gross misconduct within the FBI when it came to just one FISA application. The CIA should also not be immune from such an examination.


David Winter said...

While I am against expansion of government bureaucracy as a rule, I think this whole sorry mess argues for the creation of a independent Inspector General service, seperate from the various agencies. Whether this reports through the Attorney General, or directly to the President (as a Cabinet Level entity), it needs to have the power to investigate without being beholden to any particular agency/department.

Anonymous said...

Brennan only sleeps easy because nothing has happened to him for years despite his guilt. He is hoping to run out the clock.

Mike Feldhake said...

Or political party!

Bob Huntley said...

I imagine Brennan has a lot of dirt on a lot of powerful people who, fearing he will release that information, will work hard behind the scenes to minimize this investigation. That or perhaps an Epstein solution.

Anonymous said...

Brennan is toast.

Bob Huntley said...

Yup. One way or another Brennan is toast, that is until he rings the right bells. Clapper next maybe.

Anonymous said...

I imagine the troll that was slavering like a dog at Trump being out of office for the last 3 years, will have another angle after he is re-elected.

Bob Huntley said...

I have no dog in the US elections but it sure is satisfying to not be tied to a party, or, a President and having to defend actions that are counter productive to the well being of the people and country. If nothing else you know that very well although you will never admit it.

I do think that Trump will be re-elected in what some think might be the last election held in the USA, at least for a while as for sure the Democratic Party is so stuck in repeat mode it can't even attract reasonable candidates to run for the presidency.

The Republicans are being precluded from putting up an alternative to Trump, something we saw in the last run-up when the DOC excluded all but Clinton and they don't seem to have recovered.

And of course Americans are famous for doubling down on losing causes.

Imagine Americans are still waiting for Trump to keep his promises of bringing jobs back. Heck, even the Carrier jobs that Trump bragged he saved, but that did leave to go to Mexico have/are in the process of moving now to the Asia.

Anonymous said...

"I have no dog in the US elections"

You never have anything you want to defend. You're the perpetual on everything.

For having no dog, you sure wring your wrists a lot.

"The Republicans are being precluded from putting up an alternative to Trump,"

Not true. 3 people made noises about running. Nothing came of it, because the had nothing. Jeb Bush could make a run at it. He is a nationally known politician and he could garner a 1 billion dollar war chest. No one is stopping anyone on the Republican side. On the Democrat side they cheat. In Russia they harass, murder, and jail the opposition.

If you saw the aftermath of the 2012 election, you would have learned that conservatives are not wedded to the Republican party. There is not blind allegiance to individuals RINOs or to them as a group.