Thursday, January 30, 2020

A Look At The Cost And Composition Of America's Nuclear Arsenal

Visual Capitalist: The Cost and Composition of America’s Nuclear Weapons Arsenal

The American nuclear weapons arsenal is nowhere near its 1960s peak, but there are still thousands of warheads in the stockpile today.

The U.S. nuclear program is comprised of a complex network of facilities and weaponry, and of course the actual warheads themselves. Let’s look at the location of warheads, how they’re deployed, and the costs associated with running and refurbishing an aging nuclear program.

Let’s launch into the data.

Read more ....

Update: Trump to ask $20 billion to maintain and upgrade nuclear weapons (Digital Journal)

WNU Editor: The Russians are also upgrading their nuclear arsenal .... Russia Is Updating Their Nuclear Weapons: What Does that Mean for the Rest of Us? (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace).


Anonymous said...

and infra structure and health care?

Anonymous said...

Same old tired whine about things that are not true, but it's wonderful please please keep doing it.

Anonymous said...

And infrastructure... And infrastructure... And infrastructure... And infrastructure... And infrastructure...

I've been to several states recently. I'm just not seeing it.

I have been hearing about it in major American cities governed by liberals. Now those are positively 3rd world.

Like SHIT city ... formerly know as San Francisco.

Muslim Immigrant In Charge of Cleaning Up San Fran Busted For Fraud

But Nuru had his heart in the right place, which why Willie Brown who parted Kamala Harris's thighs hired him.

' Mohammed Nuru landed a top job at the DPW where he promised to "get rid of those white managers." '