Sunday, January 5, 2020

Another Rocket Attack On The Green Zone In Baghdad

Daily Mail: Three rockets are fired at US embassy in Baghdad and 'hit an apartment complex killing civilians' on second night of attacks in Green Zone following killing of Qassem Soleimani

* Six people were wounded with one rocket thought to have hit a family home
* Iraq's military said in a statement three Katyusha rockets had fallen in Baghdad
* It is the second day in a row that the embassy has been targeted by an attack

Multiple rockets have been launched at the US embassy in Baghdad.

They are believed to have missed the embassy, with local reports suggesting they hit an apartment complex instead and killed civilians.

It is the second night in a row that the embassy has been attacked and comes after the US killing of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani.

Iraq's military said in a statement on Sunday that three Katyusha rockets had fallen in Baghdad; two inside the heavily fortified Green Zone and one in the nearby Jadriya area.

Read more ....

More News On Another Rocket Attack On The Green Zone In Baghdad

Six rockets fall in Baghdad, including three in Green Zone: military-- Reuters
4 mortar rounds hit Green Zone in Iraq's Baghdad -- Xinhuanet
Rockets target Baghdad's Green Zone for second successive night -- Al Jazeera
Three rockets fall near US Embassy in Baghdad -- Washington Examiner


RussInSoCal said...

Find every source of theses rocket attacks and administer the Hellfire enema.



Anonymous said...

Why Rus? Besides artillery men & commanders, we might take out some of our posters!

RussInSoCal said...

1/5/2020 3:27:41 PM EST
These Media Posts will serve as notification to the United States Congress that should Iran strike any U.S. person or target, the United States will quickly & fully strike back, & perhaps in a disproportionate manner. Such legal notice is not required, but is given nevertheless!

Donald J. Trump Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 5, 2020